More options, good and evil

There’s a thread about this already. It’s called “We need an evil faction” which we do.

Who says you would? You may not destroy the world or wipe red or blue off the map, but an expac can end with the bad guys gaining the upper hand, which ends up having to be reversed in a future expac.

The conflict won’t end until the franchise does, if even.

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Or until blizzard gets tired of wasting even more time than they already do on a rushed story.

They are wasting time on a rushed story either way.

:smiley: that was the point. They would just give up on something they don’t even care about to begin with.

They can’t give up on there being any story though. A dedicated evil faction being added wouldn’t change that.

If they can get players to stay by doing 10% of what they would do then why would they waste more time doing the other 90%

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Assuming an evil faction would necessarily require that much work…

Eh but if they can keep players without it, they won’t bother.