More nerfs, without any balancing

Nerf warriors and rogues next! They are out of control and should not be scaling already like this. Nerf bat


They literally made 2 other classes runes for the benefit of warriors. At this point we have to assume it’s a feature not a bug,

Maybe you’ll get binding arrow

Another delusional hunter, another day

This particular hunter has 45 hunter related posted in the last 24 hours
 Why do all the short bus people play hunters? These forums should just become the Hunter forums at this point. He claims to have 4 level 25 toons lol(right
) Yet. every single post is about hunters

 Okay Homie!

Maybe because compared to other classes hunters did not receive anything worthwhile? So playing other classes that actually have skill synergy or new mechanics, and you look at hunter and realize "this sucks".

Don’t bother, they have 1 narrative in their head and refuse to acknowledge any other reason because then they would have to accept they are a bad person for enjoying the misfortune of others.

It’s like the people who kick orphans and believe they deserve it because they are poor.

Imagine being this emotionally distraught over a balance change in a video game

Truly unhinged

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Have you ever stopped to think before making a post at all?

Let’s not forget that after all of these nerfs they are in the bottom quartile of dps and not the top
. Wait