More lizards incoming!

They’ll have to, since dracthyr racials are currently modified by Evoker talents.


It’s going to be hard to explain letting Dracthyr keep glide, tail swipe, and wing buffet for all classes after taking away the human rep racial.


I did the same thing, but it freed up the name I want to use for a Dracthyr Mage.

Changed from a Blue Dracthyr to an Infinite themed one. I just love making new Dracthyr the customizations are so fun.

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[ X ]

The mog restrictions are a huge turn off. I only leveled mine to get the pet.


No reason to change anything. Other classes just get the base cooldown time. Evoker has a choice between one or the other for a cooldown reduction. It’s not that big of a deal.


Keys will be groups of Dracthyr then, no? Non-stop cc.


Eh… it’s a momentary interrupt with Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet. Basically no different than a Druid’s Typhoon.


I wonder what racials they’ll have. Their current racials seem evoker specific and even have nodes that affect them in the talent tree

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I’ve never understood the emphasis on facial scars. Do people not know how to parry or use a shield in a fight so they use their face instead?

I want to see a “hero” admit that their facial scars was a result of giving a sleeping frost saber a belly kiss.


Which is insanely overpowered to add to a mage/druid group, or a VDH.

For my warrior it’s awesome, it makes me notably more useful if I’m in the current position I am now; slightly outside meta due to lack of utility, but it will be extremely broken for high keys and control the meta.

Those abilities need to be removed for this to work, unfortunately.


Fair, but then you compound that with a cap totem and other AOE stuns from class abilities? 5 people alternating/coordinating their racials and then that’s without even dipping into class-specific cc. It would certainly be interesting. Can envision tanks rounding up and placing the mobs in a corner and letting the Dracthyr all go ham. Would be fun for sure.


Stuff can happen in battles and not everyone uses a shield or sword. :wink:

LOL I’m totally doing this now if we get scars on Belf/Velf models. :rofl:


They could just make those two racials into baseline evoker abilities, letting the other classes keep the rest. You could easily just say “Oh only evokers are taught to use techniques on that level” and be done with it. There’s other solutions of course.

I like the idea of the two sharing a CD. Still gives us the utility but limits how often we use them. Seems like a fair compromise.

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LOL at Ion talking about culture…then allowing Mag’Har Warlocks, Draenei Warlocks, Lightforged Warlocks. I think that excuse is out the window now Ion…seriously. The flood of new DKs in shadowlands? I mean a Mechagnome DK?


We don’t even know what classes they’re getting yet, outside of possibly Warrior and Rogue.

I mean… if you want to do 5 pushbacks into more mobs or have the terrain bug out in a corner, have fun with it, I guess. :slight_smile:

I don’t think they’re going to change their racials, just because some 1% MDI people might find a way to utilize it like they do with Feign Death and Shadowmeld.

And as an added point that wasn’t brought up yet, I think normal people put way too much effort into thinking about how “OMG I’M GOING TO GET LEFT OUT CUZ UTILITIES.”

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Because shields ALWAYS work right? And never get destroyed or anything of the sort right? People who use shields also never ever get surprised or attacked by more than one person and can’t block it all… :man_facepalming:


Dracthyr humanoid forms have really neat and unique customization options.


They should of left it as it was, now evokers lose their uniqueness.


I noticed you ignored my reply to focus on this guy, and unfortunately for you, you are heavily wrong.

The meta trickles down to moderate keys (13-16/17 right now), and will always do so at an accelerated rate as streaming becomes bigger and bigger, and the meta will instead become shaped around Drac classes, not classes themselves.

The racials are massive for control, they are far and away a bigger deal than meld/dwarf racial have ever been, and no, I don’t want to be meta because of the racial I can pick.

If you removed the racials from aug today, aug would get replaced in the meta in most cases; if you think otherwise, you don’t understand what you’re talking about and therefore should stop trying to keep the overpowered racials behind the veil of “ohhh who cares RIGHT”.

These racials becoming available to 4-5 classes will break M+, and it will exclude even mid level players.