More LGBT transmog options, a tabard perhaps?

You guys already have rainbow crosswalks, what more do you need

Interesting posting history you got there.

Imagine being skeptical about people who are clearly stirring a controversial topic right now about WoW.

And do you have proof he isnt trolling and simply adding to the clutter of post about LGBT? What is a fact is we have a half a dozen thread about this topic and this person didnt even bother to at least try and post this in one of them.

Considering this person is behind a computer none of us can actually tell if he is or is not an LGBT+. That is a fact.

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Oh they will tell you.

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They MIGHT tell you, not that they WILL tell you.

Actually no, he’s right, if they’re LGBT, the first thing they’ll do is declare it that they are.


Actually, yes. I have proof : LGBT is not a collective with a single hivemind nor is it an organization that filters members. And thus, as far as I’m concerned, anyone can claim to be LGBT and thus are LGBT.

So are you. Maybe you’re the troll ? Are you really LGBT ? Because I’m starting to think you’re not, you’re just behind the computer.

Look guys, found a troll pretending to be LGBT, trying to silence the LGBT OP!

Someone clearly doesnt understand that is all some of these people have to cling to.

Also like 95% of ANY RP profile will list it as so, as if that makes any sort of difference.

I just want mail armor that doesn’t look like hot garbage.

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Acknowledging they’re trolls would destroy his narrative.

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People can claim to be LGBT(like a certain president’s son) that doesnt mean they actually are and can simply be lying though their teeth.

Go ahead and report me then and possibly be silenced for making a false report.

You literally just contradicted yourself. The fact SOME of them might do mean that not every LGBT will tell you.

And 99% of statistics are made up. But let assume you are right. A reason people might add it to their RP profile so they end up in situations were people they RP with don’t end up being jerks to them if they do find out.

Like you are ? I’m betting you’re lying through your teeth.

Who are you to deny people’s lived experiences ?

I’d rather just point and shame you. How dare you attempt to silence LGBT people just asking for more representation!

Well no. A troll overreacts things a certain group would say to a ridiculous degree, usually not in line with that group’s usual behavior.

Except we’ve seen these kinds of ridiculous suggestions many times from the same group and several people are actually being serious about this suggestion in the replies. So no, my narrative remains strong.

Even if they were why do you care? Have you nothing better to do than whine because some maaaaybe lgbt people want a tabard?

Go outside and stop being annoying.

Have you nothing better to do than give non answers and trying to defend bizzare suggestions?

Go outside and stop being annoying.

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Your outrage hinges on trolls actually being lgbt to justify your bigotry. You don’t deserve a serious answer.

Imagine living in 2020 and still caring that some dudes kiss other dudes. It’s embarrassing.

I am not denying anyone lived experience. I am however pointing out the OP’s thread would have been better off in the nearly half dozen threads we have about this topic instead of spamming the forums and that people should keep a skeptical mind about who post this sort thing. For all we know he is sincere in what he wants and good for him. More likely he just wants to get a rise from people and too many took the bait.

Then you needed better reading skills because I already mentioned I’m ambivalent to the idea of the OP. If we had pride tabards(or actually just rainbow tabard because why not) I wouldn’t mind either way.

What a homophobic comment. Stop trolling.

LGBT+ needs to be everywhere so that I feel comfortable with my identity insecurities that won’t go away no matter what representation exists, sadly.

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There is not enough eyeroll emotes for this comment but I’ll try :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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