More LGBT transmog options, a tabard perhaps?

I’m sorry you think LGBT representation is a laughing matter and that you think your attempts to troll this thread are OK.

They’re not.

And I’m sorry you are so gullible you will believe outright lies without a shred of critical thinking but whatever.

I’m not believing any of your lies am I. Use some of that Critical thinking yourself, Mr. “No True Scotsman”.

My outrage hinges on ACTUAL bizzare suggestions to the game, even supported by a few “serious” people in this thread. What I’ve said isn’t intolerant, but because I am against LGBT forcing unnecessary additions to this game, I am automatically labeled a “bigot” and a “homophobe”.

I haven’t said anything about this, but I guess you always assume the worst about people you disagree with and enjoy labeling.


And yet you will outright believe anything the OP post on you without a second thought? Good on you for being so gullible.

The OP is as believable as you are.

Except he doesn’t use a logical fallacy, you did. So you are now less believable than he is.

Great job cutting out entire sentences to alter the meaning. Must work in propaganda, n’est-ce pas ?

Again, I said it was a POSSIBILITY(and a more likely one consider how he responded to the thread) that this person is not LGBT and is pretending to be one to stir crud in the forums.


thank you for those who are agreeing with me and those defending me from the trolls :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my suggestion really isn’t THAT out there we already have references to the real world and real world events in the game. A year ago people were asking for black gnomes and they were getting laughed at and called trolls too and now black skin toned gnomes will be an option in the upcoming patch. these things take time i understand but please dont try and silence and me and my voice.

For that reason, do not fight, far from your agenda, I would rather be used as a good pretext for Blizzard to improve the Transmog System, both in a free unlimited style of using different armor depending on our class (although it would affect Clothes class spec).

As well as a better armor style and not this disastrous styles that we saw in BfA, since I mean after 8.0.0.

And by the way so far I have not answered what LGBT style would you like to exist for an LGBT character? in any case for both genders, I prefer more the existence of more bikinis armors :bikini: for female characters than especially for everyone as was the new transmog of first hd cinematic of archer or hunter of the Nelfs in this expansion.

I think the brawlers guild has a leather mog set. Might want to jump on that fast, since it closes in 2 days. As far as the fur, there’s always the windigo woolies.

like leather class armor use clothes armor for the Vaalera, Vanessa or Moroes clothes rogues fans?

ironic how a group that claims to represent me actually embarrasses me

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Even more ironic how you claim certain parts of a group opinion represents an entire group.

Ain’t that the damn truth. The OP is so obviously a troll it would hit you like an oncoming truck…only to end into the fiery wreck that is this thread. Just another day in the GD forums.

that’s why groups shouldn’t be based off of inherent things like orientation

It’s what happens when you deviate from the hive mind, you become hated and embarrassed by them.


Yeah god forbid people get upset with bigots/homophobes/racists when they say/do bigot/homophobic/racist things.


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More tabards!

I’d be totally down for a MAGA tabard.

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