Yes. How is this still going on? Are these trolls that are responding?
The best toy blizzard has ever made since the cooldown is so low.
Yes. How is this still going on? Are these trolls that are responding?
The best toy blizzard has ever made since the cooldown is so low.
if you have to proclaim your pride…you never had it
Give us an LGBT tabard so we know you stand with us and a way for us to Express ourselves and a way to network with other LGBT. Most of the player base is full of hate this could enhance the game experience for us!
“where does it end? Next you’ll want to paint org rainbow!~”
… actually…
Yup, definitely a troll.
Btw I’m bi, so don’t try to act like I’m silencing LGBT folks. I’m just sick of these threads and 4chin-tier trolls like you aren’t helping. If I have to say what I am to even have an opinion in this then so be it, even if it is annoying because IK you won’t listen otherwise.
If most, add a generic rainbow customizable thing for Guild Tabards, that way you can read that to be LGBT based (Maybe it’ll shut these threads up…) while others who simply like rainbows can use it without it actually being linked to anything, but I don’t want it to be a LGBT tabard, generic rainbow does enough since people read rainbows as that nowadays anyways even if it’s not related. This game is my escape from irl stuff, and while awareness is nice, it’s not a good thing to stick it even in universes where it’s not a problem either. Then it just feels shoehorned in, and feeling shoehorned in is not a good thing.
please stop trying to silence me there’s nothing wrong with wanting to celebrate pride and having options to express who I am.
Ears still deaf I see.
Enjoy the flag troll.
I just want more tight semi revealing male slutmogs
Yeah it’s like a 80 year old man writing “LGBT’S RULE!” on his garage and saying “these LGBTs are out of control!” Lol.
So you want an Aloha shirt ?
good but now outside of jokes, before an LGBT Transmog, actually there is still a lot, but much more in the use of transmog and it refers to something versatile.
As I said in previous threads, I mean versatility in that other classes except clothes use armor low class transmog depending on their class, if they want a Vaalera or a Moores like a rogue with clothes armors, or a Taelia Fordragon in plate armor but with some Mail armor, it would be good for a much better style in the transmog.
And what comes in the new sets of this new expansion, I do not know what it will be doing but Blizzard does not correspond to make a reference to the Witcher, as well as seeing horrible, but horrible styles in armor with designs of eyes , bones and mindless tentacles in fashion .
that would be for the villains, not for us or for either of the 2 factions.
just because I want to express who I am and you don’t want to be as open as me doesn’t make me a “troll”
It’s b/c they’re determined to place blame on problems that aren’t actually real, so they jump on the first excuse that they see. Because it confirms the preconceptions that they already believe in.
And that’s why we need more in the new Transmog system, why do we need an LGBT style, if Blizzard limits us to having a better style in transmog? that is not freedom.
And by the way, what do you mean by this style, well how would it be casual in you?
the problem is you’re agenda is that just because the majority isnt favorably FOR it you assume we are avidly against it.
It’s really a non issue being made into one by your fanatic fervor
Be careful, I just faced a forum vacation for saying exactly those words after being flagged to kingdom come.
I’m gay. I don’t do rainbow crap in real life, and I sure as heck don’t want it on my characters in WoW. To me, gay pride means being able to live an average normal life without needing to explain or call attention to what makes me different.
It’s about options. I’m gay and I don’t want to see pride in WoW simply because it doesn’t fit. Homophobia/transphobia doesn’t exist on Azeroth, so there would be no need for pride. Bigotry is the primary reason it exists IRL.
But I like rainbows all-in-all, not just for pride reasons. I think TBC gear fulfills my need for rainbow gear though lol… some people just want rainbow stuff for the sake of rainbow stuff 'cause it’s cool.
one more suspension and im perma banned, but im willing to accept that to speak truth- in a respectful manner.
If blizz has a problem with that i got screen shots
Stop trying to tell me how to live I think this is a cool and appropriate suggestion/ idea blizzard has already shown support for lgbt this isnt that crazy of a suggestion calm your bigotry.