They dress like everyone, but by-golly-gee they let us know all the time that they’re part of the alphabet community.
FF14 is waiting for you.
sexuality isnt something i want to be constantly reminded of playing world of warcraft
Already stated in a previous reply, fictional world, real world issues don’t exist here. Yet if someone was to suggest “Straight Pride” in game you’d probably be actively against it.
Claims to want equality, BUT also wants extra stuff other people don’t have
You miss where it’s been part of the game forever?
Sure, let them add rainbow tabards if it gets people to shut up about it. Honestly couldn’t care less and I’m a part of the LGBT community myself.
As long as I get to enjoy my game without this yapping.
If you want rainbow color gears farm thc stuff. I rmemeber many people complain that the armoe made them look like skittles.
LGBT pride is about overcoming prejudice & violence towards LGBT people and still being strong and being true to who we are.
“Straight Pride” is a strawman most often used to be inflammatory, or used by people who don’t understand what pride means to LGBT people.
Aside from this troll thread asking for “lgbt transmog” (which is troll nonsense), what don’t you have that LGBT people are asking for with representation?
Yeah I might have worded that weird but I wasn’t insinuating that LGBT is political. But it’s just so weird to me that there are people who demand LGBT themes and relationships in WoW. To me that stuff is irrelevant and while I don’t care if it’s in the game or not I don’t see why some people think it NEEDS to be included.
Congrats, it’s possible to be proud without telling everyone about it or requiring recognition. That’s just seeking attention.
Sorry, but I’m talking about the game, if you want real world issues go to reddit.
No one asked you to recognize anything. It’s not about you. If you can’t understand it that’s fine, but when you don’t understand something you probably shouldn’t speak on it. You can simply ignore it.
This just seems like you’re conceding that I’m correct, like you want to argue until someone makes a point you can’t refute.
Hmm, so now it’s (it’s not about you, don’t talk about it) sounds like censorship. Hard to ignore it when it’s actively trying to be pushed into a game everyday I come onto the forums.
Except we’re on the WoW forums, talking about WoW and you want to try to bring real world issues into it again. I would gladly debate the issue with you on another forum, arguing is for children.
Such a tabard would be an excellent distraction in a battleground. You could lure so many people away from the objective. Of course you’d be dead for most of the game, but that’s taking one for the team.
Oh please honey rainbows are so gaudy in this game youd look like a clown with its implementation. Dont sully yourself with such trivial shallow “representation” sounds like ya just want a gay badge to feel special. Dont need the rainbow to be represented. Represent yourself not others. A lgbt wearing a flags like an edgy boi wearing tripp pants and a black shirt saying die. It’s only something the tryhards want.
LGBTQ aside, allowing a rainbow themed tabard would be awesome.
I wouldn’t mind if we could customize personal tabards outside of guild tabards.
I’d make a new rainbow unicorn-riding mage of fabulousness.
But I do agree that it doesn’t necessarily make sense in terms of the World of Warcraft.
Customizable personal tabards would be a good way for people to “bring awareness” to whatever they want in game, but I don’t think Blizz needs to make a separate LGBTQ tabard all on its own. If they do that, then people who want to bring Autism Awareness would want one, BLM might want one, Cancer awareness… the list goes on. Bringing awareness to different topics of oppression or misrepresentation isn’t a bad thing, and is really awesome. However, I do not believe the developers need to go out of their way to make something new “for” someone or a targeted group of people.
World of Warcraft is supposed to be an escape from the real world. To my knowledge, it has never endorsed or advertised any sort of Lore that revolves around the oppression of LGBT or anything outside of things that are in the game (like there’s clearly racism between the Horde and Alliance, but trolls don’t care if you’re magenta or blue or green and don’t discriminate against each other for that). So bringing something in the game to fight a suppression that (in theory) isn’t here seems… redundant.
Adding “rainbow” to customization options for cosmetic things should be enough and would be awesome. I love rainbow stuff. My keyboard is light up rainbow, I love glitter and being a little over the top. I would like to bring that to my character, and if you would want to use that to express yourself, then go for it!
You can develop some clothes or tabards or whatever that represent whatever your heart desires. That way everyone can be happy.
Who cares , it is a game ffs
The fabulous people care. Don’t be a phobe!
Guess it’s okay on the WoW forums to discuss LGBT but once you discuss “Anti-White men” motives oooo boi them moderators be on it like killing snakes.
What did you just say?