More LGBT transmog options, a tabard perhaps?

Omg yes, then I would know who to laugh at on the 3rd. Please do this.

A rainbow one, I hope :wink:

Sure, why not? He approves of marrying who you want.

I have never run into any situation in which said group that claimed to represent me ever did anything close to that nature, they just seem to be a social group.

I do know of racist and bigoted things happening in said group. That’s why I don’t like to be a part of those things, and I really hate when they claim to represent something that may disagree with them on certain things.

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Words that will eventually hold no meaning due to them being used as an attack for everything said group doesn’t like.

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By all means do!

As long as it’s legitimate, whoever wins has my support.

It’s pretty homophobic to think that just because you’re LGBT, you share the same opinions as all other LGBT and anyone not sharing those opinions isn’t “really” LGBT.

But don’t let that fact get in the way of your labeling of your opponents as “bad-ism”.


Because that worked out sooooo well during 2016, ya know?

No I don’t, which is why I specifically said to the OP that the LGBT community didn’t ask for a tabard because there is no THEY to ask for it. Don’t take a snippet of a conversation out of context to make a false point. Oh the outrage!!!

But there is no THEY to not ask for it either.

That’s the issue the LGBT crowd created for themselves : they created an in-group that anyone can identify with. They propagate the narrative that this in-group shares common activism.

And then when any of that activisim clashes with individual’s views, suddenly the in-fighting starts. “This isn’t LGBT!” “Yes it is, you’re not LGBT!” “No, you’re not LGBT!”.

Political LGBT has a core identity issue and often creates a perception mess around its internal squabbles. At the end of the day : you’re you. OP is himself. There’s no real LGBT movement. There’s a loose coalition of people who share and only share a sexual orientation and not much else. This is not a community at all.

I don’t feel a tabard goes far enough. As a female WoW player that also happens to be into other chicks, I feel like Stormwind should be renamed LGBTI+Wind. it’s the only way to make me feel safe and like I’m a valued member of the playerbase.

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There’s already a fabulous title.

Did you read what I wrote or did you just come to paint a narrative? I said I was an LGBT person who didn’t want a tabard. There might be some that do want it, I am not one. Where did I mention a hive mind mentality? I said the LGBT community is NOT a single entity. So what’s your issue? You are arguing my own point to me simply because you don’t like how I worded it. Get over it…

If you want to be safe in Stormwind, might I suggest a faction change. I think that would help more with the “guards beating you to a pulp” part.


Well then I want an official straight tabard for the straight representation…Fair right?

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The L’s and G’s been chill and fighting for rights and doing it with swiggity swooty and I am down with their deal! T’s tho, rock up throwing shade on anyone and everyone since old mate Rob K decided the white man life not for him.

It’s clearly because they’re bigots that don’t accept my lifestyle! I should be able to go wherever I want to go regardless of the faction I choose to support or what my race is!

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IDK about tabard, maybe new LGBT tabard icon or banner that can be placed on the ground?

We already have the Rainbow Generator which is a toy.


Friendly reminder that in Azeroth, being gay is completely normal.

There is no need for pride or rainbow flags. None of these things are met with disdain- so the members of these communities never felt the need to protest oppression. They didn’t have to stand up for their right to exist- because the world was facing old world Cthulu style monsters. Being gay wasn’t on the radar of “problems.” As such- there’s no need for an LGBT tabard or “transmog” options.

On the other hand- if your “fantasy” includes no gay people, or humans that don’t look “white”, you’re probably not as good a person as you think.

My fantasy includes people of all sexualities and skin colors- and really cool space orcs of the same where the wars are fought between species like Orc vs Humans. On Tuesday- I’ll get that fantasy.

Threads like this aren’t actually meant to help the LGBT community, they’re just here to start flame wars.