More LGBT transmog options, a tabard perhaps?

Blizzard should of heeded players and not jumped into politics.

I can honestly say I miss the days when all threads on politics were deleted with cold, necron levels of sterile impunity. We need to go back to that. Pretty much if it doesn’t deal with playing the game or discussing the plot of the game, it should be dusted.


Yeah agreed lol.

This cannot be stressed enough.

The reason that there is no need for pride or rainbow flags. None of these states of being are things that in Azeroth are met with disdain, or prejudice. Thus the members of these communities never felt the need to protest oppression. In this regard Azeroth is better than what we have in the real world IMHO.

I guess it has never occurred to people that Blizzard was saying something with this statement. *“There is no such thing as normal. Normal is a state of mind. * You are who and what you are, and all of you are beautiful.”

No one, on any side needs to scream for representation or pride, and we know half of the people who are asking for this; are simply doing so because they are sick people who want to get a rise out of people who are uncomfortable with it. That makes you as bad as the people you are trying to bait.

It’s also true that there are people on the other side who are as Noree said. I agree with him 100% also. If your “fantasy” includes no gay people, or humans that don’t look “white”, you’re probably not as good a person as you think. Everyone in this world has a place. It’s when you intentionally try to inflict emotional harm on any group that I take issue, because everyone deserves to be treated equally.


There is no Olympic in Azeroth but there is Olympic tabard.


This but unironically.

GD is a dumpster fire


A Pride Tabard?

Eh, sure, why not.

I can’t imagine being this much of a Ben Shapiro Simping idiot.

Why would you neee to boost characters if you have 40+ max level toons?

Hopefully they have equal representation for all demographics.

This. I’d much prefer the representation we’ve been getting thus far - where you just randomly stumble upon an LGBTQA+ character, quest giver, etc… and it’s just… normal. There’s no big muss, there’s no big fuss.

Because at the end of the day that’s literally all we want. To be able to say “I’m just out here with my husband having a picnic” and for it to be… normal. It puts a small smile on my face when I see quests or couples - because representation does matter but the softer, simpler kind works best.

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Actually that is a Competitor’s Tabard. Please look up the lore. It has 4 rings not 5.

It is based on Beijing Olympic that happens IRL.

If you want to go with that, make the LGBT tabard to be TBGL or change the rainbow shape to V instead of a regular rainbow, that way it mimics Competitor’s tabard 4 vs 5 rings.

Skimpy mogs for all.

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Can the tabard have a picture of a snowflake on it? I really like snowflakes.


No. Reason? I like to keep social dynamic issues out of the game I go to when escaping social dynamic issues. I will go support pride parades and even dress up in them as support but this is a game to escape RL. If we are going to do this then why not MAGA hats or BLM signs. Seriously, keep politics out of my game please.


Obvious, troll is obvious…

The day we see a lgbt tabard is the day blizzard has completly lost their minds.

sexuality talk be it straight or lgbt has no place in a fantasy game. there is MUCH MORE important to focus on.

so a big no from me.


If lgbt people were added to the game because they exist in real life, how come bigotry isnt existent in game if bigots exist in real life.

I’ve heard the response “stop trying to bring real life into a fantasy game” but sexual orientation and genders from real life have already traversed through the real world/fantasy game rift.

Don’t get me wrong I have no problem with lgbt (my gf(male)) is lgbt, but I don’t see how one can argue not bringing all of the real world into the game.

And no I don’t mean let players call people F’s or anything, I mean like maybe a boss in Shadowlands can be a bigot toward certain groups of people and when we defeat them it will be more realistic, transcending from game to real life.

Why do so many mentally ill people frequent these forums

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