Ty for proving my point.
Change is scary.
Why does it matter so much what sexual orientation characters are? Hope for a good story instead of … Sylvanas mary sue.
And what was that? That you’re not mildly indifferent, and have a vested, negative fixation on anything LGBT+ related?
I like bacon!
oh? of the…long-pig variety?
nope, def not bait
That you’re ready to generalize the moment someone doesn’t completely agree with your stance.
I like how Talonel logs on his alts to like his own posts. Classy of you.
I heard someone say it was a fresh account, so he could have whipped up a fresh one so he can troll twice as effectively for half the effort.
I sort of want to see a Xena and Gabrielle Npcs. That would be cool
Rainbow colored bait. Still low quality.
Wiggles toes
If you look at some of the people who likes his posts they have the same amount of achievements points.
However it’s not a generalization. It’s the same faces coming back again and again, totally obsessed with trying to gatekeep anything LGBT from the game.
Eventually these bait thread accounts will get a permanent ban.
Can’t believe how homophobic this community has come that every time anyone says anything LGBT it’s just labelled as bait and the OP has conspiracy theories written about them
This forum needs a reality check
Maybe because most of these topics are bait?
Poorly constructed bait at that
I preferred the stag & stag story.
Took “Stag Night” to a whole new level.
Erm, why are you ignoring the fact that these threads shouldn’t even be possible to ‘bait’ anyone in the first place.
That’s the pathetically sad part, is that homophobes still find these sorts of threads controversial when they’re not in any way.