More Horde Mount Bias? Why does Blizzard hate the Alliance?

2 mounts can add up when you are in single digits for a achievement and down to rare 1-2% drop chance mounts otherwise

In another recent post, a couple people mentioned that the Alliance have 2 more mounts than the Horde. Doesn’t this just balance it out?

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Everyone knows that humies get horsies. It’s an unwritten Blizzard rule. Everyone also knows that humie horsies cannot fly.

In all seriousness and sarcasm aside? It’s pretty damned frustrating when you spend weeks farming rep to reach exalted with a faction and learn that the mount rewards for doing so are…horse, horse and oh look another god **** horse.

If it weren’t for the allied races I wouldn’t have even bothered. Like it would be one thing is any of them seemed like they had any real effort behind them. But they are all essentially recolors. Pretty craptastic as rep rewards go. These would be the kind of basic mounts you’d expect your lvl 16 mount vendor to carry. Same mount, different color. I remember farming the rep for the silver covenant hippogryph. That was all the way back in Wrath and that mount was a flying mount. Can’t say I will remember any of the mounts from the rep in BfA.

This is just wrong, unless they want to provide evidence. It used to be the other way around in Cataclysm with Goblins getting 2 mounts and Worgen did not get any due to their racial.

Let me say that the rage on the forums for this was huge, forcing Blizzard to add those 2 mounts into the game in the form of … horses.

88 mounts exclusive to Alliance characters.
82 mounts exclusive to Horde characaters
gamepedia . com/List_of_mounts

No idea if this is up to date.

Dark, Dark, Dark, No one loves me, I’m fat, Dark, Dark, Dark, No One Understands me, I’m Ugly Too, Dark, Dark, Dark…

Dark, Dark, Dark, No one loves me, I’m fat, Dark, Dark, Dark, No One Understands me, I’m Ugly Too, Dark, Dark, Dark…