MORE FURY NERFS? Come on....Oct 2nd PTR

They have no gd idea what they’re doing; trying to make AM more appealing is going to fix our last place single target damage?



Math just came out, those “ST improvements” are actually a nerf overall.

It’s minor, but they did the exact opposite of what they stated.


Bruh. They literally don’t get anything right.


bye fury pvp. Blizzard did it again.


Yeah idk some of these are suss.

The Culling Cyclone drop to 15% per strike from 20% is a bit questionable, sure it’s nearly 100% pick rate over the silly alternative that is Brutal Finish which is a flat 50% boost to the next MS or Rampage, which is boring as a ‘passive’ compared to the higher pick rate option.

Overwhelming Blades going to a 10 stack cap instead of 12 stack is just a flat 2% tuning fork, I guess if it’s bringing it inline closer to Colossus/Thane then it’s a smart choice to reduce the power difference between the trees without effecting much else but with next to no buff to Colossus to bridge the ST damage gap which will probably be bridged naturally with gear in the next tier or so when we can get much higher Crit rates and Thane which needs still A LOT more help in the ST dept these slayer nerfs aren’t even close to causing freedom of choice in terms of playstyle.

Opportunist being reduced by 5% on both dmg / crit dmg effecting ST for both specs alongside slightly reducing Arms damage within execute as collateral (Higher execute rage costs = more opportunist boosted overpowers sub 35%) isn’t exactly the right go for the ST tuning.

Buffing the baseline damage of Raging Blow/Bloodthirst isn’t too bad since it’s bringing more viability to Anger Management as opposed to Reckless Abandon being the defacto pick allowing for more build diversity is good, however I’m not entirely sure this is the right play since having a clear ST pick in RA and a clear AoE pick in AM right now if timings align better still allows for the build diversity right now (see M Ovi’nax being an AM fight and other fights being more weighted to RA due to not needing the additional CDR on bladestorm/reck).

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There is no explanation other than whoever the warrior class devs are. Are just plain incompetent. There is no other word.


I new it was going to be a roller coaster ride for fury in TWW.

They didnt get Fury right in Dragonflight and they sure as hell dont have it right now.

Warrior devs just a joke these days.


What I don’t understand… Is why they chose to buff BT and Raging Blow instead of Rampage. We literally sit quite happily in rage cap to prioritize raging blow and crushing blow over pressing rampage.

Wouldn’t the logical thing to have done to increase our ST be to buff the spender and not the builders?

This just doesn’t make any sense.


more like it is a case of

“officially we want to buff fury, but unofficially we want to see it nerfed to the ground”.


They literally explained it in the patch notes. The goal was to shorten the gap between Reckless Abandon and Anger Management. Those changes do bring the two talents closer together.

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If it performed like DKs are with all their debuffs right now, I’d take it. But Blizzard seems determined to keep warriors a burst class, while bringing that burst in line with the sustained dps of other classes.






I think the funniest part about nerfing Fury is that they’re really just killing Arms. Colossus sucks, and Slayer Arms doesn’t win radically above Slayer Fury on ST.

Also, Mountain Thane isn’t really played at all right now. Slayer’s burst is just worlds apart from it in power, and it has better ST. The RB and BT buffs help Thane, but… it doesn’t seem like enough.

I really want Colossus to be good, but it’s just… not.

They need to stop buffing shared abilities when the hero specs use them to different effect. They need to change the hero talents that empower the specific specs.


Good points you made there. I’m more convinced now whoever is in charge, is incompetent. These changes show they don’t really understand why or how the spec is bursting so high in certain situations.

Off gcd dmg amp that cast a huge 8 soft cap AoE with DoT element followed by another huge 8 soft cap AoE with huge DoT element followed by a buffed Bladestorm that now has a dmg amp built-in with the always chosen talent node that throws out a moderately high st attack with a chance to proc a DoT. All these within what 5 gcds? And they can’t accurately pinpoint one of the culprit ability? Why did they buff this AoE ability by some silly 133% or some such amount during beta & then trying to backtrack now after seeing the perceived imbalance?

I’m waiting eagerly for anniversary event to race change to Dracthyr, having wished to be able to tank as one ever since they were anuntiated. But it is really mood breaker the only class with a tank spec they are getting seem to be the punching bag of the balance team right now even if its not protection the one being directly targeted its just a matter of time before they realize protection is actually doing good and target it too

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That doesnt explain why they didnt buff rampage at all though. That wouldve been an easy W as spenders should feel good to press so you dont overcap. Right now im all about Crushing blows until I get a 1.2 mill BB. Kind of odd our spenders instead being used completely as a road to get to the damage. Also, it wouldve helped our sustain in 5 target cleave.

I get shortening the gap between the talents, but that would’ve been a very easy start to compensate for everything lost. They could cough revert the nerfs now that we see what monsters ret and frost dk have become


The goal for that change wasn’t to drastically improve ST. It’s to bridge the gap between AM and Reckless Abandon. Buffing Rampage doesn’t achieve that goal for that change.

Its been explained.

Even with the class balance coming, it all sums it down to a nerf overall. I don’t get why they’re nerfing Slayer so much and buffing Thane to “balance hero talents”, but when it comes to Ret Paladins they instead of nerfing Herald to come closer to Templar, like they’re doing with Warriors, they instead…just… buffs the underperforming Hero Talent without touching the good one? Seriously can someone PLEASE swap Warrior and Ret paladin devs???


I mean the changes they’ve made are all great for the spec. Choices are the most balanced they’ve ever been.

Unfortunately that balanced spec is just balanced poorly overall, but it can be fixed with a simple aura buff (maybe a very slight specific buff to Reck Abandon also)

But at the moment we are just a bad class that has balanced choices, and yeah that feels like poop since we have basically nothing else to offer.

Right, I agree, I don’t mind thane being better than slayer at overall aoe, but the class itself is hurting from the nerfs. Bringing the specs in-line with each other doesn’t matter when warrior is the bottom already.


They should dismiss whoever is in charge of warr’s hero specs balance and hire Feral druid’s. Yeah feral might not be the most popular spec, but right now both of its hero talents are so perfectly balanced on every gameplay area that the choice of wich one to use is completely personal to wich one you enjoy most.

Thats how hero spec balance should be.