MORE FURY NERFS? Come on....Oct 2nd PTR

New PTR notes 10/2/2024

    • Slayer
      • Overwhelmed now stacks up to 10 times (was 12).

      • Culling Cyclone bonus Bladestorm damage reduced to 15% (was 20%).

      • Opportunist now increases the damage and critical strike damage of your next Overpower or Raging Blow by 25% (was 30%).

  • Fury

    • Raging Blow damage increased by 25%.

      • Developer’s note: This change does not affect Reckless Abandon’s Crushing Blow.
    • Bloodthirst damage increased by 30%.

      • Developer’s note: This change does not affect Reckless Abandon’s Bloodbath.

I can understand trying to balance the spec against itself, but the spec as a whole is down real bad with all the hotfixes and further nerfs on the PTR. Please communicate.


I don’t want to play anger management. I HATE staggering avatar and recklessness. I like pressing them together. Based on these changes, I imagine we will be running anger management though. I really dislike that there are no buffs to mountain thane, opting to nerf slayer instead.


I’m not sure this is bad in theory, but like…the spec needs aura buffs badly at this point. Nerfing Slayer as the overperformer to bring it in line with Thane and then aura buff the spec makes a lot of sense.

There’s just…no aura buff. XD

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…I feel like the avocado kid.

An avocado…thankksssss.

Blizzard continues to literally miss the entire point whoever in charge of our balancing needs too be removed or actually get told too sit down by whoever director of balancing.


Also nerfing Slayer while trying to balance it by buffing fury, completely ignoring that arms exist and for them this is just a plain nerf


Arms is fine. Fury is hurting a lot more than arms.

They nerfed Slayer in general which is indirect nerf too Slayer Arms players(Since it did pretty good)

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And they’ll continue to be fine after the nerfs.

Oh you sweet summer child, you have no idea on what you’re coming up too when they did this in Dragonflight and nerfed Arms badly too a point they needed a rework.

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I think arms needs more nerfs tbh

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:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:.

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That’s what you get for skipping legs spec day.

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Wouldn’t mind slayer nerf if they atleast made Colossus viable. Like, leave Slayer arms for M+ but make colossus great for st


These devs are simply idiots. This is horse sh*t, my god. If they think this will get us above Aug Evokers without actually buffing both states of the skill they need to seek employment at fast food industry, maybe their intellect levels will be sufficient there.

“We want Anger Management to be as bad as Reckless Abandon so players have variety in choosing how to be the worst spec in game. So instead of buffing both RA and AM to the level of being above Aug Evokers, we are bringing AM from not being selected by literally anyone to the same sh*t level as RA” - too bad they didn’t add this developer note.


Same, hate anger management, it boring, its lame, and they do that on top of not buffing MT, what a joke

Even i dont know what Blizzard is thinking at this point, also buffing BT and RB without buffing execute in someway is silly.


Feeling pretty helpless right now. F

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Yeah this is a joke. The original nerfs were reasonable and in line but capping us at 5 instead of 8 has gimped us baaaaad.

And I have absolutely no idea what the rationale is by hitting slayer now. Like, they know this also affects arms right? Why not just revert our cap and buff Colossus for Arms and Prot to balance out Slayer and Thane for their respective specs?

They did buff Colossus but it’s so minimal that it’s a joke.