MORE FURY NERFS? Come on....Oct 2nd PTR

FFS blizz this is why no one takes you guys seriously anymore as devs whoever thought hey this is a good idea let pitch this and see if they approve it and they did just shows that the people working on the balancing don’t play warrior.

At this point i need to ask does every dev just play pally and mages because my god how is stuff like this aloud to get through even the pitchs this isn’t going to put us above augment or if it does it will be just barely above them.

Meanwhile we are still target capped which i need to ask WHY???

At this point in time why are target caps still a thing most classes have had theirs removed and just put in a reduce dmg above five-eight targets or just had them removed but nope warriors need their caps can’t let them have anyfun.

Blizz seriously you have access to mounds of data as you keep telling us you do but you always miss the mark and now you give us this as to say were sorry, i’m getting massive south park oil company level sarcasm being spilled levels of how much you seem to care about us.


I guess getting to run AM instead of RA again will be nice? But this really just ain’t it Blizz

I honestly don’t know what to do. Every melee class I play gets nerfed into the ground and I really don’t want to play ranged.

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I really like AM playstyle as Fury. It’s fun just always having it, but Recklessness feels pretty bad as a cooldown right now. The 2 capstone talents below RA / AM choice node are terrible, borderline unpickable.

AM would be playable in M+ if we had the torment effect that activates a mini Bladestorm when you press Reck - basically the Shadowlands fury playstyle minus the whirlwind spam.

These buffs do almost nothing for the RA fury build that is played right now. It’s definitely not compensation for the aoe nerfs and not even close to compensation for the proposed target cap nerfs.


The balance team needs to have some changes. It’s very obvious they hate Warrior DPS. We’re already underperforming and we get hit with such insane nerfs that Fury and Arms both are going to be the worse specs in the game.


nerfing fury ST when its below the support spec. Plus poor arms catching the strays because they’re nerfing the hero talents for some reason. Blizzard, seriously, look into whoever is doing these changes. Can em.


Of course they had to buff the damn bleeds, damn bleed spec

Ugh… What even is this?


Durpa durp durp durpy doodoo durp.


I don’t think they ‘hate’, its probably more accurate to say the person responsible don’t really care. Its just a work task they have to do because their manager told them to.

Its pretty clear to anyone who have a modest understanding of warrior or any other spec dps, these people don’t. There is no way they can be this bad at tuning gameplay every tier. Either you are incompetent or lazy. Most likely both.

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