More Flexibility with Essences

Seems like a reasonable change. :slight_smile:

100% this. Took a lot of complaints since 8.2 and further complaints when it wasn’t put in properly the first time.

Blizz, please learn from your mistakes because you keep doing this kind of stuff. Legiondairies, Azerite, and Essences cannot be repeated.


Well done again Blizz

Thank you!

I don’t really think this was needed (as someone who has no healing essences) but now I can get them all for barely any effort than what I’m already doing. :+1:

After I started grinding on a druid. Tyvm!!! Devs though.

Can you open flexibility with loot so we can actually get weapons/rings/trinkets from Horrific Visions?

Now make it that when you have Rank 3 in all essences you can start to purchase Rank 4s for 1500-2000 echoes each.


Sub numbers must be friggin trash if Blizzard is having to reach into their “we care about what our players are asking for” bag yet again.

I’m not a 200 IQ business gnome, but maybe having a game director that can react to and accept player feedback without having to crater the game first might be a better path forward.

You guys really didn’t need to lose all our subs before you decided to address Azerite Essences.

How much money did you leave on the table for years because you didn’t want to admit that people wanted to play Classic?


I’m both surprised and glad about this change. Nice!

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Legitimately started tearing up as I read this. I am so emotional! I AM SO HAPPY!

I wrote in to you guys about this yesterday or the day before, being hopeful it would be considered but – this is just extremely kind and shows your true interest in your playerbase’s time and enjoyment of World of Warcraft. Thank you!!!

Till you put them on a vendor like Legion Legendaries, I don’t give a crap what you do. I’m done chasing down stuff for the expansion. Even stopped with the stupid cloak at lvl 10. Blizz gave up on this expansion already, so just unlock stuff and let people just have fun instead of a year long grind while you (hopefully) get Shadowlands to be good.


As for the update: A great addition that I hadn’t considered. Thanks for going all in now that the system is in place.

Anyone know how long it will take to grind 500 of these new essence thingys?

They will.

But it’ll be 6-9 months late, and in the most obtuse and gameplay-metric-pumping manner possible, and only after the community spends months and months asking for it, and half of them unsub.

still another boring grind plopped onto other boring grinds.


This post just goes to show a player like me that you guys still do not understand how to please your player base anymore. I want to play the game so bad but you keep on implementing systems that make me feel like I do not want to play.

I do not want to have to grind out rep or quests or whatever just to have some crappy essences to increase my playstyle as such that should already be a part of the game. You guys are really letting me down.

I was so excited to hear you guys were finally making it easier to obtain essences on alts but this is just trash. You guys suck. You have no idea how to make this game good anymore. With each and every change you make, you just make me want to play the game I used to be addicted to less and less. It’s extremely depressing.

Good job coming to yalls senses…I’ve already been refunded for Shadowlands though after seeing yalls original thought process and believe I will wait until very shortly before the release of it to decide whether to buy it or not.:raising_hand_man:

more flexibility eh? how about some flexibility on raid essences too?

you punished players who left on 8.2 or didnt play 8.2 and they have to be dealing with a raid that’s obsolete at this point except for 1-2 bosses.

The general goal here is that doing Assaults and associated Horrific Visions should provide enough to get at least one Rank 3 Essence of your choice per week. Doing other content you like (PvP, dungeons, or raids) will increase that significantly, depending on the level of content you’re doing. Of course, Essences can still be earned normally via their associated activities, so if you want to get your Essence of the Focusing Iris directly via Mythic Keystone dungeons and then buy others from MOTHER, that’s now an option. Within a couple of weeks of hitting max-level on your alt, you should be able to obtain your preferred Essences by playing the game as you usually would.

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All this should have been done from day 1 of essences. For me it’s too little too late.

Just curious are you going to keep on the path with leveling artifacts/legendaries, obtaining corruptions/essences or similar in Shadowlands? If so please stop. Go back to set armor and STAY THERE. No point with the other grind fluff. It adds nothing to the game.