More firings at Blizzard




  • the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present:“she hasn’t spoken to him since last year”


  • 1.from a time in the past until the time under consideration, typically the present:“I’ve felt better since I’ve been here”
  • 2.for the reason that; because:“delegates were delighted, since better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species”


  • 1.between then and now:

VERY non-specific.

I believe there’s a reuters article that was up on MSN as well. I’m sure there will be others. I’m not so sure if any of them will include much in the way of new information.

I am sure there are, but the paper that broke the story first was WSJ hence my link to the source. Many of the other articles all cite the WSJ.

I think most reasonable adults agree with this statement. I know I do, especially now that I have a daughter going into her teens.

However, make sure you’re calling out the right people here. I see at least one person in this thread that you called out wrongfully when all they were saying is the same thing as you, “That it’s indefensible to advocate for people, employees or otherwise, that are a part of such abhorrent behavior.”

Edit: Sorry Annastasi, I see this was ready addressed above.

Wait. This person is doing the same thing.

Am I losing my mind? Likely.

I don’t think anyone in this thread is siding with the employees that are being let go for abhorrent behavior.

At least I haven’t seen it.

I’m just trying to help people(and myself) stay on track and make sense of this thread.

Because even though OP is posting this for shock value, and Clark is going the other direction, there are so many moving goal posts in this thread, simply for the sake of temporarily feeding egos that the gravity of the topic could easily get swept away and lost.

*It’s BAD to be a creep in the workplace (or anywhere).

*It’s GOOD that Activision/Blizz are taking the right steps towards making a change within the company.

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Of course. I don’t mean to infer otherwise.

I’d recommend re-reading this thread.

Or maybe just abandon it and hope it goes away since it’s clearly not serving any good purpose.

Once again bogged down by semantics…

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What’s happening at Blizzard right now is very serious and grim. These are real people with families and lives.

The last thing we should be doing is treating it like the daily gossip and sensationalizing it with misinformed threads.

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The ones who need it most are still there……

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Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he engendered and promoted it within Blizzard specifically knowing it’d be something that’d come back to bite them in the rears. Blizzard isn’t the first game developer Activision has purposefully dismantled, and the games industry isn’t even the first industry Kotick has employed these practices in. He has a very colored history of buying out and dismantling companies.

I do not like him at all. However he has been CEO of Activision since 1991. He does not have a history of dismantling companies that I can see.


No one is defending anything. They’re giving you facts.

And OP claimed:

So why are you adamantly defending the OP, who claimed falsely that more people were fired specifically this week that we don’t actually know about and only from Blizzard, which is not actually accurate?

You don’t even know what you’re arguing about, do you? :rofl:

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This post is the most amazing thing I’ve seen in these forums in a long time.

Half of you are arguing with people that are agreeing with you, yet you’re STILL arguing.

Example. Tenfingerdps is saying the same thing as most of you (defending harassers is bad), yet a handful of you are acting like they are defending Blizzard? LMAO some of you just want to be angry, and just lash out no matter what is said…

It’s hilarious. Please keep going!


I do think some folks got lost a bit. Most everyone agrees that getting rid of people who are abusive and harass others is a good thing. Some are arguing semantics (seeing as the OP is wrong on that), but the concept of getting rid of the abusive people is agreed on.


You harass anyone at work, you should go bye bye.

If you think otherwise, you are wrong.

End of post.

Its GD , you are not suppose to understand

Go with Da flow :crazy_face:

That’s why I’m laughing and asked if he even knew what he was arguing anymore.

This thread is just a dumpster fire of miscommunication.


You were doing it as well.

But I like how you’re trying to act like you weren’t.

Thallia wasn’t even in this conversation

Have you met Mr. kettle?

You’re all forgiven. We all make mistakes. I think the topic at hand is worth talking about. less so at animosity and technicalities.