More firings at Blizzard

What new litigation do you feel might be created?

Investigating and removing people who engage in assault and abuse is hardly a bad thing. Esp when the State is suing you for allowing it to go on for so long. Being responsive to the employee complaints that led to the State lawsuit seems reasonable.

I get that someone removed from a job might try to sue over it, but if the investigation is done correctly with documentation and proof, that makes it an easily justifiable removal. More so if Blizz KNEW the person had complaints and did nothing…there is history on the worst of the folks who were there. They should have been gone long ago, no matter who they were friends with.


Fired. It’s utter negligence, no one who commits ONE of those things would have their job afterwards a year later, much less BOTH of the things he’s stated to have done.

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Yeah, blizz shill for sure. Get out of here with all the apologies and the defense of the indefensible.

To make it clear for the trolls, for trying to defend sexual assault and all the other things that allegedly went on at atvi.

firing sexual harassers is indefensible?

Can you detail how much groping, leering, nasty comments, coercsion, etc, an employee should have to put up with before firing the person responsible is acceptable to you?

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Defending blizz, and it’s behavior is indefensible - at least as it relates to what allegedly happened.

If you are honest and a good person, you have nothing to hide. That’s how I live my life. Those that are mean, abusive, insulting, unprofessional eventually get caught. It’s unfortunate it has taken so long for certain ones to be delt with.

Keep in mind this is not just Blizz. We tend to focus on Blizz every time we read an ATVI article while forgetting it includes everything under the stockholder umbrella.

This is Activision, the studios they own and control, Blizzard, etc. It is most of the industry. Riot, Ubisoft, etc all have similar issues.

They ALL need to clean house.


I hope some of you never have daughters. or sons.

seriously disgusting, that you go so far as to protect sexual predators/harassers.

people deserve to be able to work without being preyed on by their coworkers.


?? Who is?

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No one is defending Blizzard, no one is condemning Blizzard, the fight here is about the wording of the OP (who isn’t weighing in) who said that the firings were this week.


Neither of those, but thanks for trying. The article states that has been the number since july of last year. It does not state that new fires have happened in the last week, only that bobby didn’t want the number of people let go, to be out in the open.

Anyone who has done any of those things to anyone, if that were me, would be let go on the spot. regardless of your position or tenure.


I think you are getting a few mixed message or misreading. Only Clark seems to be shilling right now.

Tenfingerdps seems to agree abusers should be fired.


Absolutely I agree.

maybe. it wouldn’t be the first time.

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Only difference is I never said I was defending the bad employees

I only stated that OP is spreading false info about saying the 37 firings were new employees when reality the article says throughout last year

Two differences

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What’s that ?? Ppl got fired due to poor works ethics :scream:, what a tragedy

Well deserved :+1:


Please have some tea :coffee: :slight_smile:

This is a tough topic and I think we all get swept up in it. It is ok to go down the wrong track once in a while. Too many comments flying around and a bit of context gets missed.


What a weird thread.



Community Council Member Mirasol:

I just don’t understand it here sometimes.

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Clark initially said firings for all of 2021. When pointed out he was wrong, he did correct it to be “Since July”. Then keeps moving goal posts.

Had they just addressed the article straight up honestly that would have been better. The OP is inaccurate and created a bait thread. BUT the topic is still important and it is good ATVI is taking action across their companies and studios.

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Additionally, Clark has misrepresented the OP as saying that the employees fired were new specifically.