More firings at Blizzard

OP is trolling or didn’t even read past the headline.

That’s clickbate “journalism” at its finest.


How do you know how many (if any) got fired this WEEK?

Do you have some back channel to Blizzard? Do you work for them?

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Because I read the article correctly

Yes I got the inside info from “common sense” department


The article doesn’t say how many, if any got fired this week.

Learn to read.

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it’s also a good thing.

blizzard taking out the trash.


That’s because it literally says throughout 2021 since July

It did not say 37 firings this week


I see the usual blizz pr shills are out, trying to defend this.

I knew when that article dropped they would rush to defend atvi.


Who wouldn’t defend a company firing people found guilty of sexually harassing coworkers?


He didn’t say that they all got fired in 2021.

How do you know how many got fired since that time? Do you know OP’s source?

Or are you just shilling for blizz.

You both are being way more aggro than you need to, tone it down. You’re both correct in a certain way, there’s no way to confirm the dates/numbers for firings that’s ‘super recent’.


Exactly. Removing people who are found, after investigation, to have engaged in abuse, harassment, career sabotage, creating hostile work environments, etc is GOOD.

I can’t imagine anyone acting like removing those people is a bad thing. The only thing bad here is that Kotick did not want the numbers released. I feel the opposite. It is GOOD to show you are actually doing something about the issues.


Yeah, you are right.

There is no reason to not downplay the lawsuits or firings over what happened at Blizz. /s

It’s two weeks into the new year it is safe to say the firings happened throughout 2021, they did not kept the bad employees throughout 2021 most would think

I do, the article says “37 firings since July 2021”

Not if it has the potential to create more litigation. From a company standpoint he’s probably trying to minimize the overall financial responsibility.

Since July 2021?

Is 2022 after 2021? I’m just sayin’…

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Is the investigation all over now?

Are the lawsuits completed?

So you know for a fact that no more firings will happen?

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What amuses me is the article says the board still “supports Bobby Kotick” in the same article where it releases the info that he both harassed and threatened to kill the same secretary…




what do YOU think should happen to people who sexually harass their coworkers?

I can’t tell if you’re really this daft, or being willfully obtuse.

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seriously. their continued support of him is disgusting.