“Humans can also be demon hunters. Some of these demon hunters can be found guarding Mount Hyjal with the help of fellow night elf demon hunters. Demon hunters in other races are rare, but some exist.”
Source: Contributors to Wowpedia (2022). Demon hunter. [online] Wowpedia. Available at: wowpedia fandom wiki/Demon_hunter [Accessed 17 Nov. 2024].
Sourcebooks: Alliance & Horde Compendium & Lands of Mystery
- Nuff said, get us more friggin races. No need for a seperate expansion, just introduce those NPC’s.
- If anyone wants to disagree, feel free to cite a reliable lore material that contradicts this claim.
Gnome DH or riot!
Though draenei would be the next logical race added for alliance and nightborne use the same model as night elves, so that would be easy to implement.
Void Elves would also be simple to add and would get my vote.
Void elves < red draenei.
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Void elves use the same model as Blood Elves, much easier than ugly Draenei
wow, i was expecting “we dont want change” andys to attack me when making this thread. Guess i still have some time before they find this thread.
I personally want Demon Hunter Cows. Feltotem is already a thing.
While i do understand that making animations for more races is tedious and time consuming, it’s been like 8 years already. 2 more races wouldn’t hurt.
Change is good, change keeps things interesting and fun.
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The problem being that lore wise void elf DH would make zero sense, while we’ve seen draenei demons since legion, and also draenei are 100 million times better than elves.
God no. DH in game are all Illidari, an organization that no longer has their leader or their primary enemy. There is no reason to make more anymore.
The same could be said of Forsaken xD

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They all left to play another class
Throwing my vote for Orc and Draenei - still can’t get over the fact that those 2, the races the most entwined in the Fel and demons altogether, couldn’t become DH’s in lore; that makes no sense (to me). Eredar becoming a customization seemed like a good opportunity to revisit this, or the many Hearthstone expansions to really capitalize on things.
At this rate, probably will see Druid, Paladin, Shaman (the classes that take the most to make fit a race) before more DH’s.
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Will have to agree with this. Those two races have very close connection with Fel Magic.
Void and Nightborne already have the models.
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You might be confusing DH with DK sir. These demon hunters already exist as part of the lore. Do you remember the starting campaign of DH back in legion?
It’s not they they couldn’t it’s more a question of why would people willingly become Illidari when Illidan and the Legion are both gone? There’s no point. Not to mention Illidari are insane to start with. I can’t see any of them going “Yeah! Let’s go recruit more members!”
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Orcs are too stupid and prone to corruption
Eredar are too duplicitous
Nightborne were sealed away in their city when Illidan made them (DH = Illidan’s personal army) and void elves didn’t even exist yet. It would cheapen one of the few remaining great and intact pieces of lore for them to go erroneously adding DH races.
Sucked with Draenei/LF warlocks, and this would be even more dumb.
Legion is defeated and there is no reason to make more. Talk to me when the Nathrezim return.
Want to cosplay another race, use one of the myriad of transform toys
Keep DH great and OG elves
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You guys are mixing up DK’s with DH’s. Please try to remember the DH starting questline.
Also, why do you automatically assume that the only way for other DH’s races to exist is to make them? Like i have already cited, those demon hunters already exist!
Can you try to articulate what you’re saying better?
In game the only DH races we see are blood and night elves
This is because those were the only races Illidan trusted enough to be apart of his person army, his “300”
It’s not simply because they (other races) didn’t exist yet (void/nightborn), it’s that they are Illidan’s creation and elves are historically rather prejudice.
The process to even create one required a person like Illidan and his mastery of magic and obsession with destroying the burning legion. Subsequent people have tried to replicate it (in game) and failed
It’s dumb to have more DH races.
No motivation to be one now and nobody with the expertise to pull off creating more
Use a transform toy and stop trying to entitle away the lore
It’s dumb not to have more DH races.