The problem continues. I have done several full reinstalls, tried playing without addons, tried playing before installing any addons.
Some days I can play just fine, others, I find myself trying to do a roleplay event an then the dc fits happen. I get disconnected, try to connect again, may get into the character only to get booted out again 15 seconds later, or I may not connect again at all. Once it starts for the day, it doesn’t let me back on all evening. It still happened on a fresh install without addons.
Well, I took your advice and tried a VPN, and thought it was working, I’m connected to the VPN today and I’m getting the constant disconnects, see no NPCs in Mereldar, and have to alt +f4 out. Can’t even hearth out of the zone and come back.
I restarted my computer and my router, restarted the VPN service, and still doing it.