Constant Disconnects

My account constantly disconnects. It started a few days ago when I was in game roleplaying in Mereldar and disconnected five times in three minutes.

Today, I can’t hardly log into ANY character without either disconnecting during log in or immediately after log in.

I am currently running at 68.8 mbps down and 19.8 down with a 7ms latency. In game it’s usually about 25.

I am playing on Moon Guard.

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With out knowing what you already have tried I would suggest starting over. Unfortunately I see this is not your first time with disconnects, and not sure if you have had changes in hardware or ISP.

Wow data stream rare deals with speed, unless there is a lot of activity on your own network throttling the data stream. A lot of users in your area. A lot of devices on your personal wifi.

Not sure what you are pinging either.

Could maybe be a Windows Firewall issue, have you tried opening up the proper ports for WoW?

It shouldn’t be my computer or ISP, it’s brand new. Other people on Moon Guard are telling me they are having the exact same problem as I am having.

Edit: Also, resetting folders did not work. If I don’t get disconnected immediately, nothing is interactable. I can’t click on anyone or anything and have to Alt+F4 out.

EDIT 11/16/24 since the forums won’t let me post another post…

After uninstalling, making sure that I cleaned my libraries, reinstalling the game, reinstalling my add ons, rewriting ALL of my TRP profiles, making sure all my security settings would allow WoW to run unhindered…

I am STILL getting disconnects! It comes in waves. Some nights I can’t get in at all. Other days I don’t suffer a single disconnect. It’s not my internet either, it’s stable and loads EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING else just fine.

It mostly happens in Hallowfall, though I’m not sure if it’s because it’s Hallowfall or because that’s where most of my characters are. I try to switch to a character that’s outside of Hallowfall, but once the disconnects have started, they’re there for hours.

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