I mean. Why stop at executes? Shouldn’t all classes basically just have a damage ability, a healing ability, and a defensive ability? There shouldn’t be any differences between them at all.
PvP also as an apology for making us sit at the back of the bus.
All classes do more or less?
Why are you getting bent out of shape over something like this?
I’m not asking that all classes have the exact same ability, look at all the Executes we have right now, they’re all different in what they do.
I’m not getting “bent out of shape” at all. You’re not as important as you think you are.
Okay, random insult?
Are we even having the same conversation?
Me: I like executes, I wish more classes had them.
Me: … okay? XD
Imagine attacking someone then getting upset with they respond in kind.
Uh, you’re the one who got passive aggressive and I called you on it?
Seriously, who piddled in your Cheerios that a thread like this got you into such a grouchy mood?
Then I’m sure every class would be as excited to hit their once a boss fight button that does piss all. ToD is so unfun to press now, it’s pathetic.
ToD is an exception in not being the most fun Execute, not the norm.
“We need more class homogenization.”
Not asking for it.
An execute is a type of ability, not asking for everyone to have the exact same execute.