As a beast master hunter, I have kill shot and kill command, but they don’t do the job very well. Cobra shot seems to do more damage. Now, if the kill shot/command worked like they do in Torghast, that would be awesome.
What assassination should have is an ability that can instant kill non-boss and non-player mobs as long as they are at full health and not in combat already…
Sort of a reverse execute…
Yes, put every execute on a two minute cooldown. Sounds great.
Sorry, monks already took that one
Touch of Death can one shot almost anything
Well that’s just rude
im pretty sure shadow word death is baseline for all priest specs. and if disc use’s that bad legendary that lets it proc atonement we are a healer with execute.
resto shaman mastery ramps up at low hp, but thats all I can think of off hand
And here we go running back to the homogenized specs that everybody complained about in prior xpacs.
So… Is it more classes or just rogues that you want to have an execute?
Yeeeee, I love those Anima powers in Torghast.
Where the [expletive] did I suggest do that? Did you stub your toe before you stumbled into this thread?
I really like nobody briefly mentioned Korayn.
She… kinda has an execute passive.
It’s funny because the old destruction execute talent was Shadowburn. It used to be a beast.
Not asking for every class to have the same execute, all the ones we have now are different in some way in how they function.
All, but at least Rogues since apparently they used to have one.
Yes it’s very nice, she’s who I use on my Night Fae characters :3
Wait Rogues don’t? Them and Warriors should be the real ones to have one, odd.
“Um, excuse me. I’m going to ambush you now.”
Nah. They’re all essentially the same. “Use at x% or less.”
Then we can give everybody bloodlust…with a different name of course…
Then we can give everybody a battle rez…with a different name of course…
… by that logic all abilities in the game are exactly the same.
I don’t want an execute, I want sub to get some proper buffs and changes to bring it up to par.
If you say so.

I don’t want an execute, I want sub to get some proper buffs and changes to bring it up to par.
Executes help with that! Only half joking, I’m guessing “up to par” in PVE?