More classes need Executes

They’re fun to use.

Warriors have them.
Hunters have them.
Paladins have them.
Monk’s kinda do.
Fire Mage does.
Affliction Warlock does.
Unholy Death Knight does.
Shadow Priest does

So that’s 20 specializations that don’t have an Execute of some sort. 16 if you don’t count Healer specs but a healing “execute” would be cool, dire healing if the target’s health is low enough (they might already have that though, I don’t play Healers so I didn’t look that thoroughly for something like that).

But c’mon, Rogues not having execute?

Warriors have it, and it’s our namesake, and we’re not even the best at it. lol


P salty that rogues lost them tbh

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Wait what

They should remove executes from all classes except warrior. If you want a rogue to have an execute, my warrior wants a rogues stealth and ability to stun and cc.


That’s silly. Also you’re playing a Druid.

… you do have those as a Warrior.

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Ay es es (I’m not calling them assass it’s stupid) rogues used to be able to spec into an execute (and it was pretty much the best choice in every tier so it was viable) and they took it away with SLs.

Heh, I call em the first or Sassy.

And AWWWWWWWW C’MON!!! They’re the most perfect ones TO have it, it should have been made baseline.

Assassin. Execute.

Execute. Assassin.


nice assassin you have there <3

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Right? Instead we got a proc where we can sometimes use ambush out of stealth.

The old one did like 2/3 the damage of mutilate for like half the cost but was only usable at <20% and when you got a proc.

It was SO much fun in pvp when you got someone low and just started mashing it like a madman.

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This, this is the best feeling.

Blindside and/or Zoldyck’s? Not saying it’s optimal, but they can opt into having it.


That’s better.

They do? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s actually bad to balance all classes with execute. As execute phases will be the majority of your good damage. The fact we don’t have them is good cause we are good without them!

Idk if I’d call that an execute.

Execute to me is like a finisher. Something that hits hard in an attempt to finish the enemy off quickly.

Afflictions is more like “your weakest spell gets better at lower health” No one dies quickly because of drain soul unfortunately

I kind of wish warlocks got shadowburn by default as an execute. It’s fun in Classic

Spamming MR is better finisher move.

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“unlocks at execute phase or gets damage boost during” is what I consider Executes, and I like the nice variety.

Destruction has this talent

I can see where you’re coming from, but Arms, Ret, and Unholy do a lot of damage outside the execute phase.

Only really a noticeable execute if you are a Necrolord warlock with the Malefic Wrath legendary… I tried it, it was fun, but the Night Fae is just too strong, so it means Drain Soul goes back to being weak noodle.