More Class Changes datamined for the WWI

This change just doesn’t make sense. I haven’t looked at any of the other changes, so maybe they are targeting stuns, but binding actual gave hunter CC some nuance. ffs

Yea, lots of specs just completely ignore roots as is. This will make it even more braindead for dps though. Good dps will see binding and react. Now players will just take the root and then hit freedom or w/e else they need.

Legitimately irritated at how bad the devs are on some of these changes.

“the WWI”

So you’ve chosen to make me your enemy.

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Yea, it’s lame.

If this doesn’t blow me away I swear I’m going back to the true hero class in blizz’s mind, warrior.

Doubled the mana cost of Holy Light, which is weird because nobody uses it

This is actually insane.

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I am sure the bonds we have made defending Devoker for the last month can weather any storm :dracthyr_heart:

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bro i even liked some of your fury posts for creative use of emojis and this is how you repay me


Bro stop saying WWI it’s TWW.

WWI is World War 1.



You mean to tell me you didn’t sincerely like them because of the content :dracthyr_cry_animated:

I hate how they keep pushing Unhinged. Nobody likes this talent and never did.

Collecting the jaw that dropped to the ground!

Is it necessary?

Sometimes i think some survival mains were involved on some blizzard scandals, i just cant believe they threw the spec into the sewage

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I look foward to many warriors pressing intervene and suddenly dying.

“Whoops intervened a glacial spike and 3x chaos bolts”

I think glacial will punish it heavier because you take the glacial you intervened additional to the one that cleaved you, basically double glacialed’d

Which is why God created Rebound

That flurry and lance will eat it off before glacial connects

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Intervene doesn’t work on spells that cleave afaik, I’ve seen warriors intervene sweeping strikes damage and they both get hit by it anyway

I would love to see an ele shaman change like this, “In pvp combat, when flame shock gets dispelled, lava burst retains it’s 100% chance to crit for 5 seconds.”

Nothing worse than setting up a big go and just before your cast goes off it gets dispelled and you do 1/4 the damage just because your flame shock got dispelled.

Ofc it is, how else could warrior players ever win a game against casters? Especially as turbo, they only have every tool imaginable right now, whats a few more

Warrior is the true hero class.

I will give you a shiny quarter if you name your Warrior “Dozerlol”