More Changes Due to Lawsuit

Honest to Light, I have requested more male skimpy armor. There used to be a male bikini guide somewhere on the boards.

Oh, and being able to choose an Incubus instead of a Succubus. I asked for that, too.


predators don’t need “educating” they know what they’re doing is wrong. if they didn’t know exactly what they’re doing they wouldn’t be predators in the first place.

WHO has asked them to change armor??? Show me all the woke/cancel culture/sjw posts DEMANDING the armor be changed. Show me any other changes asked for by the woke/cancel culture/sjw type (whatever those might be). If there’s even one I’d like to see it.

Nobody cares.

Blizzard is doing what they always do, which is “fixing” things that don’t need fixing and ignoring problems that do need fixing. That’s their MO.

  1. They have a problem.
  2. They ignore problem.
  3. Problem becomes an irritant and perhaps losing them money.
  4. They decide to fix the problem by changing something completely irrelevant and fixes nothing.

They changed Daisy’s shorts (race starter girl at mirage raceway) she had daisy dukes but they gave her Bermuda shorts


BTW, can I at least have my clothies in nice evening gowns and not potato sacks? I’m being serious. If the artwork is going to CHANGE, can the clothies look classy instead of potato sacks?

That’s just a remnant of the legion client. They changed her shorts to longer “sailor looking” pants when they moved her to the barge in retail.

How does that change the fact that her outfit was changed to be less skimpy and that change was still reflected in #no changes classic tho?

For the record I’m not one of those people who gets upset when characters get de-sexified but she wasnt even dressed that bad. You see real women at the beach in much much less


And one day, for no reason at all…


There’s a lot of BS in Classic due to the legion client. That’s just one of them.

They moved Daisy to the barge in Cata. They changed her clothing to reflect her surroundings, not because people were up in arms about her shorts ffs.

They didn’t change her shorts because they were too skimpy. They changed them because they weren’t “sailory” enough.

you can wear daisy dukes on a boat.

Well take that up with wardrobe. Nobody cared about her skimpy shorts. Literally NOBODY.

I mean there were posts about it on the forums. People did notice and I’m sure if she wasnt just a random nothing NPC someone would absolutely take issue with her original short. being a race starter flag girl is objectifying and all. you asked for an example and I gave you one.

No you gave me an example of literally nobody complaining about skimpy wardrobe. You gave me an example of Blizzard moving an NPC in Cata from a raceway to a barge and changing her clothing to reflect her surroundings. That’s literally what happened.

In Classic, like a TON of things, Daisy appears as she does in retail, not as she was supposed to. This was a bug.

When did sexy become synonymous with sexist?

Make everything more sexy I say, regardless of gender identification!

Edit: within the bounds of the games age classification rating of course.


This is the dumbest stuff I’ve ever heard. If you don’t want to be seen as a company that does terrible things, changing items in a game isn’t going to do that, like not even a little bit. Your actions of what they do irl is more important.

This has to be a legal thing to cover their a$$es in case it’s an angle that gets used in court. Probably why all the devs have said that noone is working on wow currently because everyone is doing this lol


Makes sense if you ask me but the timing is bad because they are obviously just trying to save face.

Female armor shouldn’t just inherently be more revealing.

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Why not? The Male armour accentuates muscularity in stereotypical and unrealistic ways too … I’m assuming some people find that revealing and suggestive as well.

It’s not a big deal but making female toons less sexually appealing to look at in no way progresses the rights of women, it’s just an empty gesture. It’s disturbing that we are now associating sensually appealing with oppression … maybe people having fun in a game with female caricatures is oppressive because it objectifies women? Rubbish. If it were one sided there’d be a point but masculine characteristics are equally overemphasised - in the interests of generating fun.

Why don’t we go full down this path and make all character androgynous …

Edit: @ Mini
The forum won’t let me reply to you - gives me a system error. So I’ll post my reply as an edit.

By way of example, are Tauren males as proportionately muscular as the females? Also the tier set contour around accentuated pectorals. Check out that bulge too …
It’s pretty asinine asking for examples of hyper masculinity - it’s pretty much everywhere in the game. I’m not complaining about that btw - it is what it is, it’s a game and your character representation is hyper sexualised and over powered looking for fun. That’s not sexist.

What is sexist, is having boys only staff “cubicle crawls” where the male staff abuse the female staff. Or promoting underperforming males over competent women or paying women less for similar standards of work. Maybe we should not be bought off so easily by cheap cosmetic gestures like dressing the female characters in game in full neck to knee.


Everyone in here really surprised they pull a toothless PR move like this after being called out as being a sexist-culture company?

Its a staged action to appease the offended people/players in hopes of not losing too many subs or send the “right signal”.


Give an example please.

Good. We don’t need another billion people on earth. Abort early. Abort often.