More censorship due to people with the reading comprehension of a pre-schooler

Why you powerleveling in public anyway?

Hopefully op will understand that there is no point in a constructive discussion to just go at people and call them names smh

You still show a fundamental misunderstanding of the word.

You are having a…if I may borrow a phrase…the reading comprehension of a pre-schooler.

People reporting you is not fascism.


The fact it takes many people to do this, means by default…its not fascist.

It is not autocratic or dictatorial control.

Just because you quote to me a personal made up definition doesn’t change the actual meaning.

I don’t care if “someone put it better”. Words have a definition. And Meriam Webster put it best.


Listen man.

You’re on a forum dedicated to a video game.

What are you possibly trying to reach people with that’s so important here? This place ultimately doesn’t matter. You’re putting way too much value in this. Nothing that anyone has to say here is important enough to be considered outside the context of this video game.

Go take a break. It’s Friday. Clear your head, put some things into perspective.


A Sunday is never late, nor is it early. It spawns precisely when it means to.

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Every day the sun is here so Sunday never leaves us.

I missed the part where people said there was zero automation in the system. Yeah I’m actually okay with the game triggering a temporary restrictions on people if they get X number of reports in x amount of time, and then while those temporary, automatic, restrictions are in place , a GM reviews it, and if it’s appropriate, the restrictions stand. I’m also aware that GM s are human and probably lazy and probably rubber stamp a lot of reports that come to them because blizzard doesn’t pay them enough to care, while posting record profits. Capitalism, am I right?

Again, I’m okay with this system, even if it means it could technically be abused. Because I remember people all caps spamming the n-word in barrens /yell circa 2005. I remember posts supporting the klan in barrens chat too. I’m okay with having tools to shut that down, hard.

I bet you will. You won’t be able to stop yourself. Because, like everyone else that starts these conspiracy threads, you have an insatiable need to convince everyone else that you’re right, and you always, ALWAYS, have to have the last word.


I’m just a big fan of the title of the thread then the opening sentence being

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Talks about poor reading comprehension, misspells second word in the post. I must say that one got me.

More rubbish rightist crybullies triggered by consequences.

I drink your tears, I drink them up.

GD has become a full on Covid-19 CHOP Sunday zone.

I really miss when we go good Sunday threads because they happened on Sunday now we are getting subpar ones,


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Op,A very successful experiment cheers :beer:

So basically the OP is going my 1st amendment rights are being violated because they can’t be an offensive dbag and say what they want in a chat or forum owned by a private entity.


Blizzard needs to remove the automated silencing systems in the game. People are abusing it. You don’t even have to have spoken to anyone in game to receive a silence due to the way the system works. Blizzard does not handle the appeals appropriately either, and often dismisses/auto-rejects (yay more automation) appeals.

The problem is they do not have enough staff to be available at all times, and there have certainly been cases that need to be addressed immediately.

The problem is its going to be abused either way.

…ok crazy

I just woke up, what are you bellyaching about now?

Yes, that’s what the ignore function is for.