More censorship due to people with the reading comprehension of a pre-schooler

Then what exactly are you even arguing?

I was disagreeing with your notion that Blizzard knowing about the “experiment” or not has any bearing on it wasting their time.

I was never arguing over if it was a waste of Blizzards time.
I was saying that Blizzard don’t know its a waste of their time, therefor to say it is a waste of their time does nothing to justify to automated punishment, which is the point I was responding to.

I will concede that the wording of the email causes unnecessary confusion. It would be far better if it said ‘squelched’.

A squelch is 24 hours, unless the report is addressed sooner.

Literally nobody that understands how the system works is disputing that squelches are automated. Just so we’re absolutely clear:

Squelches are automated

Yes, the silences start at 24 hours, and double with each successive penalty. That means your second offense will be 48 hours, third is 4 days, fourth is 8 days, and so on.

Lol yeah I’m sure blizzard doesnt pay attention at all to what is essentially their primary source of advertising does with their streams.

The squelch happened, because he got reported 40 time in 5 seconds. A GM reviewed it, realized asmongold got squelched and all he had said is I love wow. That doesn’t make sense, maybe check his Twitter feed
 Oh he told people to do it? That’s abusing the system, which warrants a silence. The whole thing could take less than 5 minutes. Especially if the conspiracy theories about streamers getting special treatment and communication from blizzard are true.

The duration of your silence increases each time we apply it to your account.

if you want to turn this into word games, that statement implies it’s manually applied.
it doesn’t say “each time it is applied to your account”, it says “each time we apply it”

the only thing your little snippet is stating, is that the threshold for reports isn’t lowered simply because a person has had prior chat violations.

No such thing on a company owned forum, its their forums, they make the rules, free speech and censorship has no meaning here, haven’t you learned this by now?

i’m confused. what got censored?

did you like, say a shadowlands spoiler, and they had to put it in that
 spoiler-box that people can opt into reading? oh wait
 this is about forum silences
 sorry, did’nt scroll-up to read it. my bad.

Do you consider spamming a hash tag as conversation?

I think i might be in the “Reading Comprehension of a Pre-Schooler” Category. It was hard to read this, without stopping to second guess if i read it right.

it’s about in game silences.

it’s their second thread about it, because they didn’t like what they were told in their first one, and decided to chuck a tanty.

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 okay. guess that clears that up for me then. thanks for helping me out there. :slight_smile:


Twice in six years does not equate to “several” so do not lie, which is just another point I ws trying to make. Misinterpretation is a problem.

Not even upset. It was a planned event the first time, and the second time was due to a very pathetic misunderstanding where I was agreeing with the people who were seeking punishment against me.

If you are going to try and sum up a post, do it right and do it honestly. Don’t do it half based.

go read the post before you talk.

Except that is not what happened at all, in any of the circumstances.

again dude, nobody was a victim, and yes. False reports for imagined wrongs is an abuse of the reporting system.

It was not a belief. They were from different servers. You can tell, because their server name is listed right next to their name
and then they admitted in chat that they did it

This is the first time I have been on the forums in a couple of years

I didnt ask for anything in the forums actually, though it was a bit of an experiement. Their flagging was just them being themselves, aka pathetic people afraid of discussing things they disgree with.

I was actually only partially upset, because the post had two different purposes. I sort of got what I was expecting, so really I was just surprised that it took so long.

I was raised on Icecrown. Where people were so toxic and trolly that there were several people who literally offed themselves due to how hard the bullying was. Trust me, I am not the sensitive one here. I am preaching about NOT being so damned sensitive.

Oddly enough, no. I have no reason in any way to lie about it. Why would I? The point is to make a point about real events that are happening. Not about opinions, but about straight up facts.
I understand your logic though, since the vast majority of people do that.
I just have no reason to do it.
I mean, back in the day I mooched 25k off somebody by pretending to be a girl ingame for a whopping five minutes, having my character dance on the mailbox

But here, there is no motivation other than to point out that there is a system being abused by people who just want to censor people they do not like, even when you agree with them.

Because two people, one of them being “Nobully” up there, refused to actually read the original post, then randomly started screeching their uninformed opinions about what they THOUGHT they had read, then got mad when they got called out for being factually incorrect and trying their best to derail the topic.

Only one person got “attacked” aka getting called out for their attempt at trolling, and frankly they kinda had it coming with the dumb crap they were spewing.
I have a zero tolerance policy towards people who refuse to take a discussion seriously in the way that they did.
Everybody else was pretty chill whether they agreed with me or not, and they got the same back at them.
But again, you interpret things differently, and Ihave no control over that.

At this point, I am starting to see that. But just because it might be lost, does not mean I should not speak out against it. It is the same thing as all those people swatting random strangers (just at a very less consequential way lol. nowhere near as serious of an issue)

You gotta read the actual post my dude. First was an experiment that went exactly as planned. There was not a complaint about what happened to me, it was a complaint about the fact that the system is automated and super easy to abuse.
But nobody got that for some reason, despite my best efforts to communicate that in my original post.

The second instance was just people being people. It was not instigated like the first case, nor was it even anticipated. I never expected people to react like that for agreeing with them. Seriously, it was genuinely mind boggling that it happened.

As for the forums post, it was a bit of an experiment that also went mostly as I expected.

since somebody else said it way better, here ya go.

[quote=“Thurr-the-venture-co, post:42, topic:572365, full:true”]

As I said, the first time? Oh yeah, the first one was all on me, and I was not innocent. Second time, years later? Just dips being incapable of understanding basic English.

They never read anything. The punishment was doled out within 15 seconds, and never went away, and I never heard anything from anybody about any of it. Again, it is automated.

This. 100000% this. This is exactly what I have been trying to convey. Thank you, Furrfist. Thank you from the bottom to the top of my heart.

People have every right to report, but a punishment should not be automatic just because of numbers. They should be able to alert the GMs and such, but they should never have the kind of power that they do.

Yes, again this exactly. The new mentor thing is going to be abused greatly. Somebody is going to tell somebody else that they need to do A in order for B to happen, but the mentee is going to screech at the mentor and then report them because they don’t like being told what to do, even though thats exactly what they signed up for.

This. This right here, Nobully. This is why nobody should take you serious.
My minions? What? I have no idea who that is. I have three people on my friends list, and none of them are on the forums even once.

You tell me that I supposedly attack people for disagreeing with me (even though it was only you that got that kind of treatment because of the dumb crap you said) but when somebody agrees with me, suddenly they are siccophant who bows down to my every whim?

Seriously, just stop posting. You are never right, you are just spewing your uninformed opinion without any facts to moderate your comments.

The squelch system is now called “The Silence Feature”

how do you not see that? OH RIGHT, you don’t know how to read

You mean like I do for 99.99% of my time playing this game?
I have only recieved any kind of punishment 4 times ever, and ONE (1) was indeed asked for, and another was because of people like you being incapable of understanding basic English. A third was because of a stalker that took things into IRL problems, and the fourth was just because I deserved it frankly.

So for all intents and purposes, only once have I been punished under a legit violation, out of four times.

That is, yet again the whole problem.
I feel like only you and maybe 6 other people see the real issue being discussed here, as opposed to talking trash about ME.


true. and true again when you say

It is not abuse. But the fact that it can be abused like that is the problem. Again, you are arguing about the wrong thing. Nobody is crying about them getting silenced when they literally asked for it, they are crying about the fact that people can just use a mob mentality to turn around and use that very same system to silence players they just simply dont like.
That is the topic here. That people can and have abused the system to censor and control people that they just do not like, or those with just slightly differing opinions.

Except that is not how it is happening. When you get an email saying that you are being punished, it means action has already been taken.
The silence feature is a “24 hour silence”
the punishment is the silence, there is no more squelching pre-review, it just goes straight to the punishment.
I have never had a GM contact a second time to confirm that a punishment is going to be doled out AFTER the initial 24 hours. And no notification that no violation has occurred. Test it out yourself if you don’t believe me.

It is all one big bundle deal, and thats the problem. People are abusing the system to group up and mass report a single person, and that person gets punished no matter if they did something wrong or not.
Because if you were right, this would have been a 48-hour silence, not a 24 hour

no, it would not be.
Because dips like you come along and flag everything you don’t like, so they never get seen before they get removed and such

People like you are the reason why those stories hardly ever get heard.

If he is just playing, he deserves every Oscar ever given, because they are really good at playing dumb

Because if they were honest about it, they would never hear the end of it.
Look at flight. They change one feature, and the whole game exploded with violent posts about how dumb and stupid and foolish Blizzard is, with people saying Blizzard employees need to go and “commit uninstall”


Which is the whole point.

No. I have not, and neither have they. As I said above, the whole thing is one big package deal. It saves Blizzard THOUSANDS of hours by not having to manually review every single report that gets made.

This is my “second silence”
24 hours, not 48. You are just wrong.
Squelching and “Silencing” have been merged. Why can you not see that?
Blizzard did not announce a new system, they just announced a reworked old system with a new name.

But can it take less than 8 seconds for when people didnt say anything wrong OR ask for people to report them? Because thats what happened the second time. From comment to silence was 8 seconds. Nobody can read that fast, let alone judge the action appropriate, then select the option to dole out the punishment. It defies the laws of physics and reality as we know it.

or its automated.

You were the only one who got called out for your bs. Funny, because you are a bull named bully, yet you spewed the most bull-bull.

You can go read the original thing. Somebody shared it up above pretty early on. From experience, Nobully is very bad at understanding or reading, so his summary is very off the mark.

I don’t have to go read the first post to see the 2nd post.

This mad man replied to everyone!



This has to win some kind of award for most ironic post ever made


If you’re this unsettled after a brief return, it may me time to put it to bed altogether.

Nobody gets this bothered without other underlying issues. I wish you well.

I am Shudder.

I do? I am!?

I did?

Well, I mean, empty boxes can make some pretty mean forts. Just saying.

I got nothing witty for this. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

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Because this is a serious issue my dude. It is not salt to be serious and try and communicate that there is a problem with the report and punishment system.
Maybe go read before you just assume that people are upset.

But I can see that people are pretty desperate to drail this, so I am just going to not comment any further on here. Sometime at a later date, I might speak up again, and maybe then people will be ready to listen instead of troll and screech.

To those of you who DID take it serious and actually read and saw what was actually being said, thank you. Keep it up.
And no, I am talking to all of them, whether they agreed with me or not.
The point was to open a discussion, but all that happened was three people kept arguing circles because two of them have no idea what they are talking about, and can not comprehend basic concepts.

To the trolls
dear god, I hope you are not like this in real life. Everybody around you must secretly hate you if you are

Hopefully your life gets better after this, because you need good things in your life.

Pulls out his show me where they hurt you doll Alright, i’m here, lets do this.