More censorship due to people with the reading comprehension of a pre-schooler

Is this regarding this thread:

Why was it flagged?

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Well, before they edited it, they were directly referencing action taken on their own account. Which is a CoC violation. But neither here nor there. The rest? Their attitude and attacks on people who had a differing view over the course of the thread. That’s what got it flagged. Their ATTITUDE.

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I’d love some context.

If it is that then I support OP’s anger.
Asmongold did the same thing live on stream the day it came out.
Blizzard said it is not an automated system, it was proven to be automated, people on these forums defended Blizzard saying “oh well he asked for it hurr durr”.

We later saw this being used and abused in RBGs.

Do not waste your time on this subject OP. It’s a lost cause.

This honestly sounds like a case of someone playing with fire, getting burnt, and then blaming everyone else for it.

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For reference that’s exactly what I am referring to, OP, these kind of replies.

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OP talks about others lack of reading comprehension, yet seems to have issues with basic word definitions.

Like “fascism” and “censorship”.


We were having a discussion about this on another thread. I’m not going to test it in-game, but out on the forum if enough people flag you then it just get’s auto flagged until a mod comes in to access the case. So I’m guessing it’s something similair in game where if enough people report you, you get temporary pushed to the side until a mod comes in to investigate.

Seems pretty fair, unless if I’m missing key pieces of information. But either way, if you go out looking for trouble, you’re going to find it. 1+1 and all that.

Pretty much. And they didn’t get the sympathy they were hoping for. I miss the Yak. He’d sometimes come into those threads and go “This is why were you were Silenced. I did clean up the exact wording however.”

But the system was advertised and clearly tagged as non-automated.
That is a lie. No other way to put it.

What about the RBG abuse? How were they looking for trouble?

Same with OP’s other thread. They were not looking for trouble. Yes, if you go out looking for trouble you’ll find it. That doesn’t mean trouble wont find you otherwise.

I’m not sure about what happened with Asmongold, was it a case of abuse? Because this is definitely a system that is open for abuse. I’m just not sure if OP is fully innocent in this situation.

He decided to try and pull a “Gotcha!” moment. He spoke up about how he was instantly silenced. Except what happened was he was Squelched. Which is a lot older of a system.

Then, when they read the reports … he got action taken because he actively abused the system.

The scenario OP described is exactly what Asmongold did.
He gathered 39 other players in his Garrison, typed something harmless into the chat (I loved WoW) and told them to report him on stream.
He was immediately disconnected and then we he logged back in he was silenced.

The issue is this system was falsely advertised.

It clearly says action will not be taken until after investigation.

Stop talking nonsense.
He didn’t abuse the system, and he was silenced, not squelched, for 24 hours, as stated in the email he received from Blizzard saying his account got silenced and to refer to the new article on the silence feature.

He has also been falsely silenced since.

The RBG abuse of the system also verifies that the system advertised as manual is infact automatic.

This sounds really problematic tbh. I think it’s okay for players to have the ability to ‘alert’ the mods, but they should not be given the power to cause these type of effects.

Especially when you consider the new mentor system coming up and how people with past infractions aren’t allowed to be mentors. That’s going to be ripe for abuse.


why do this guys minions who takes everything he says as gospel?

it wasn’t.

this subject has been done to death.

if you want to continue to believe fairy-tales, that’s on you.

a squelch is automated.
squelch existed long before the silence system and penalties.

yes, they abused the report feature.
yes, the GM could see that people were ASKED to abuse the report feature.

…but continue with the misinformation and conspiracies if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy :relaxed:


I don’t understand what this thread is about, but you’re sure as hell acting like a pre-schooler

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The only thing interesting in this thread was the name Asmondgold. Hope he gets to the dentist soon. Poor guy.

It is video documented evidence.
Literally what better source of proof could you ask for? I remember watching it live which is why I refer to it as the best example.

Why do you feel the need to comment just because you dislike Asmongold? This isn’t a conversation about Asmongold.

As I mentioned in the post you’re replying to, it was not a squelch it was a silence.

He asked them to do it on stream, GM’s do not look at what happens outside of the game. So no, they could not see that he asked it to happen.

You just don’t want to accept the facts because the source of information is from someone you dislike, which is frankly sad.

This is a corporate forum tied to a product. If you want free expression, you came to the wrong place.


it’s only problematic if you believe the false claims which these people continue to make.

the vast majority of the playerbase are able to behave in a respectable manner.
…it’s just the vocal minority who feel they’re being “censored” when they act inappropriately who have an issue with how the current system works.

if it was an issue, i’m sure we’d have seen a LOT more people griping about it over the last 4 years.

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he triggered a system which had been in the game FOR YEARS.

so why bring him up?

what happened in that video, isn’t as it appears.

…regardless of your feelings.

my bad, it was just a blip on the radar from 4 years ago, forgive me if my memory is fuzzy.

either way, it’s been debunked many, many times over.