More censorship due to people with the reading comprehension of a pre-schooler

I just read their thread before this one and they got silenced several times on their server and was throwing a temper tantrum about it and calling people names because they should be able to say whatever they want in trade/general chats without any punishments whatsoever.


If true this…basically explains everything. :sweat_smile: It’s amazing what can come to light when the blanks are filled.


I love people not being able to have a polite conversation and blaming other people for their lack of decorum. Going so far as to generalize a system in place that exist to have a better conversations as censorship or “cancel culture” because of their own faults.


i have no idea what he said in his thread. but on my thread i didnt post anything deserving of a flag. which would simply mean someone didnt agree so they flagged it. which is a typical tactic of a lot of kids these days. ironically theyre the ones trolling at that point.


False flag will get removed, at the end someone point of view of how the Code of conduct work might be different, so yes you might not understand why someone did it. But if your flag stand, then basicly a mod agree with the report.

Yeah, doesn’t work that way. I walk down the hall and say half my neighbors are blank this and blank that … pretty soon one of them is going to have words with me (or more) or they’re going to ask management to deal with a neighbor who is being disruptive.

That’s the real world. Why should servers be treated any differently? If you’re a rude little jerk on your server, you deserve to be punished.

EDIT: Zelestriana … if it wasn’t clear … I was agreeing with you. Hope it didn’t come across as me being rude or anything. Just snipped that bit to keep the message intact.


everyone else knows that. (including the person you responded to… read their whole post, don’t take that one line out of context)

…but the op is convinced that unless they’re using extremely specific keywords, that they’re a “victim”, and everyone is “abusing” the report feature.

this was another one of their gripes… they believe that the people who reported them were crz, so the reports didn’t come from players on “their” server.

the dude has created so many rules for themself, it’s a little hard to keep up :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wasn’t disagreeing with them. Just snipped that line so that it was clear that exactly I meant.

Take a break from the forums. There’s more to life.

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Everyday is Sunday in the time of the pandemic.


I read both of the OP’s messages. That’s time I wasted I’ll never get back.

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I spent time out of my day keeping my family appraised of the status of CHAZ/CHOP … since it happened so close to me. That was wasted time. Getting as accurate info as possible. Especially when both sides had inconsistencies with their story.

So, reading a forumites commentary is nothing in comparison.

Well,op,you did say you wanted to test it out .So I guess the forum give you what you wanted ,in that, you shouldn’t of asked them.

I can agree with this. It is pretty sad that we live in a day and age where people can be so sensitive that others aren’t allowed to have differing opinions so the masses want to shut them down.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail comes to mind…

Help Help I’m being Oppressed!


In all fairness,she did ask to test it out .I don’t see why op is mad about the feature.Maybe it worked too good?

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OP wouldn’t have lasted a day with the old downvote system.


i can agree with that too.

…but i think there’s a little more to the story than we’re being told.
(as there always is when it comes to people being “silenced in error”)

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Just in general, I’ve already forgotten what the OP even said tbh.

i think it was something like: potato potato, ding dong tomato.