More Arcane Nerfs

I mean speak up. Comment things like this on his streams and uploads. His viewers are what make him money so yeah he will listen eventually

Let’s chill and see how it pans out this week. It’ll likely not be as bad as some are making it out to be. Arcane Spellslinger is probably due for re-work, though.

He’s a fire mage player at heart and the Sunfury aesthetics are preferred by him. He won’t care. He was already making excuses about how spellslinger needed to do less damage than Sunfury because Sunfury took more effort, as if tracking two extra weak auras was a reason to justify a 15%+ difference.

Remember, this is the guy who will write a wowhead guide saying how devastation has range issues and is worse than augmentation, but then on a Blizzard dev interview will neglect any criticism and then do a raving review of devastation’s design. This is what he did in DF.

And just how he was complaining about nether precision dip, he made a video apologizing to Blizzard telling them they were right because now we have to pay an extra talent point for what was a baseline interaction.

He’s a Blizzard partner, and he will say whatever keeps him access for money making and influence.

Look at Preach, the guy will sell out on prior criticism at the drop of a hat the moment he is given developer access for views.

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Laughs in Frost.

That’s what bothers me as well. There will always been a spec at the top of the chart and a spec at the bottom. That’s just reality. Obviously, if the spec at the top is miles ahead of the others nerfs are justified. But if it’s just a couple of percentage points ahead nerfs, especially multiple waves of them, are most definitely not justified. It honestly just comes off as them wanting to be seen to be concerned with balance without any actual care for fairplay.

They can nerf the interaction with Burden of Power, fine. Because that affects Sunfury exclusively, but to nerf Arcane Blast and Arcane Missiles, that is just so lame.

But don’t worry. We get a 6% buff from our set, and with a 5% nerf to Arcane Blast, we are still doing 1% more damage with arcane blast.

Nerfs are fine. What I’d like to see is less rng in the burst window. I want the consumption of both nether precisions to grant clear casting in touch. I hate not getting a proc for the however many seconds touch is up and if you have to move then you’re even more screwed. Let us do our damage when it counts!

I gotta say it wasn’t often but it definitely happened to me. So I’m fine being a desirable spec for a change.

hunters are ridiculously over powered - they 1 v 2 in arenas all the time

but dont dare let an arcane mage get ahead

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they took arcane set bonus away completely - they were gobbled up by the nerfs

If sf arcane is that far ahead then why are all the wf teams not stacking them? All I’m seeing is one mage swimming in a sea of warriors and dev evokers

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Yes. This is upsetting. The two-set bonus now gives you effectively a one percent boost to arcane blast, and a negative two-set bonus in PvP (because of the 50% blanket debuff). If you didn’t have the set bonus, well, you’re now negative 6% to Arcane Blast.

At this point, I would be in favor of them reworking the set bonus.

Mage Arcane Set
2 PC:
Your Arcane Blast deals negative 50% damage, but your Arcane Explosion is increased by about 51%.
Your Arcane Missiles is now replaced with Disintegrate.

4 PC:
Your Arcane Barrage deals damage equal to your maximum mana.
Your mana is replaced with rage.