More AR customizations

Just saw what we have to expect for NB and LFD, looks great.

But seeing as how velves are getting natural hair on top of their pale skins, I’d like to propose a few more options for other races.

How about we have, different green shades for maghar.

Also, mechagnomes with the options to have zero cybernetic enhancements. Like none at all.

Also, I want my HM tauten to have access to blood hoof tattoos and bullhorns instead of moose antlers.

Also, can we have kul titans that’s aren’t over weight.

zanda trolls with humps and none blotchy skin and no glowy eye options.

I feel like we should also have dark iron with pale skins too. And the options to have regular eyes with no flame tipped hair.

The more the better blizzard. You guys are so wise I trust you’ll make these options and more a possibility.


Here we go again…


Just report and move on



Look i realizee my thread might have been in the wrong side so I’m just making up for it and give my own ideas. What do you think?

Same dude always trolling.
The moderators on this forum must be in that $12/hr range


How am I trolling??? I’m just giving more idea since some ars are getting love in 9.1.5

I mean you’re a mechgnome player. Wouldn’t you like the agency to be able to not have any cybernetics what so ever. Might help with the robo diaper.

Seriously guys I here by renounce my other thread. It was tasteless and lacked vision. I’m trying to make up for it now, please give it a chance. I apologize.

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Even if this is a trolling thread, the fact that this is exactly what happened is sadly hilarous…


I do support a lot more customizations for all races!


Great, which one is it favorite from the OP.

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But… the tea :tea:

I’m lost on how this is a trolling thread but please give highmountain more fur options. Only having 1/4th that of regular tauren is awful.

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Sounds like a good idea. More is always better.

Makes sense. The original meaning of the Mag’har was, ‘Uncorrupted,’ but now its the term that refers to all orcs from AU Draenor. Considering there were some green orcs in that timeline, this doesn’t feel like it’d be unreasonable.

Yes, please. I love Mechagnomes, but those limbs really don’t do them enough favors. I’d just be happy to have regular legs. Also, the lore does support this as Mechagnomes earn their customizations piecemeal. Seeing a Mechagnome with only one mechanical arm or just mechanical legs would be very lore abiding.

Seems like a reasonable enough request. The assets already exist, after all.

The skinny model has been a request for them for a while, so this would be a great addition. Just need to make the female variant of it.

Considering Zul himself was a bit hunchbacked, this works well. I could see those without glowing eyes too. Maybe their connection to the Loa just isn’t as strong as other Zandalari trolls. Or it could be a consequence of Rezan’s death.

Makes sense. Now that Ragnaros has been defeated, the mark of his power over them could begin to wane enough for them to resemble their other dwarven brethren.

You’ve got my seal of approval. All of your suggestions have lore to support them, and in-game models as well! Let’s do it.


Glad we’re on the same page. This should add so much more diversity to player agency.

Oh hey, I was also thinking more modest options for LFD. Like none of that gold plating and no static naaru sigil. Also bluer skin tones.

And for NB, none of that jewelry or arcane runes and more nelf like hair colors and skin tones too.

What do you think. :slight_smile:

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That is already an option.

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green skin for maghar makes sense. all it takes is fel exposure

I’m pretty sure it’s not

There is a option for no sigil. You can see it on me. (Or not see it as the case may be.)

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Those who play troll will forever be a troll. You should have considered that before being a goof. Now your opinions will forever be tainted and not taken seriously.

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