More AR customizations

I’ve used my godlike powers to retroactively include all of these in the game, log in and look at character creation, they’re all there!

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That’s pretty close minded. Oh well.

As you can see it is not enough as many would agree with me

mechagnomes with normal hands would be cool

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I would have probably supported the idea, but with that full of sarcasm and the previous thread, I don’t know if I should even feel convinced slightest that you are taking this customization support seriously.


Sounds good to me. Nightborne should get some vine-like options for their hair too. Would love to see some with flowering dusk lilies!

Not so much trolling as veiled sarcasm… which I’ll be honest I found hilarious… it’s mocking the fact that one AR has literally gotten zero racial customizations despite having 2-3 patches worth of customizations (Void Elves). OP just applied this logic to other Allied Races and it angers people for some reason (despite everyone being fine with the Void Elf situation)…

Listen man, I’ve changed my ways. Idk what you’re talking about. I legit 100% back every single idea in my OP. Everyone single one if them would be FrEsh addition to each one.

Open your mind to the possibilities my friend.

That you’re a bad Karen troll and don’t know WTF you’re talking about. As usual. LOL

Hey woa woa, what’s up with the toxicity??

I’m turning over a new leaf. Didn’t you see my heart felt apology on my other thread?

So as a token for forgiveness I gave my own takes on even more amazing and original possible options for other Ars. I think you’ll enjoy them.

No you’re not. You’re done. Find a Classic character to troll on next time and make a whole new rep for yourself. LOL

See ya, Karen troll!

Yes I am. Did u not read the OP??? I don’t understand why you need to be so hurtful.

I’m so lost with this thread. What did he do?

I’m one of the first to call someone out for trolling and his post this time isn’t trolling. That said there are still core races who need some love before the AR finish getting love. What they are doing to Nightborne I’m thrilled to see as no one should have to suffer like the Worgen had to suffer for 10 years. But ya Worgen need love for our core wolf form first and foremost before the ARs get more.

This is the natural anti response to things when they’re not getting what they want, lel

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Ty! Which of the OP suggestions you think work best?

A mere in Universe message; just to trigger OP. :smiling_imp:

Dear strongest of Male Blood elf Death Knights, why are you serving the Horde as mere slaves? We recognize your potential, Join the Ren’dorei and you’ll be given food, comfort, as well as the most powerful sets of Armor, you no longer have to compete with Orcish Warriors or Tauren Sunwalkers, your physical Might and terrifying appearance will be praised and worshipped in the Alliance.

In exchange, you provide us with protection and breed with our women to produce powerful offspring; for the purpose of growing the Ren’dorei’s militaristic Forces.

Instead of the Lifestyle of mere feral savages scatter around the world; frantically attacking hostile factions trying to kill you, you’ll be granted the opportunity to live as Nobles and be provided with a purpose.

Like I said none till Worgen get some love.

Constant trolling, always finds the hot topic of the week to get dramatic about, throws a fit when someone parodies his trolling and demands their stuff get deleted… typical dramatic trolling stuff. LOL


I too think they should merge these races in the barbershop and it would give people more customization overall. Also the ability to save customization options by spec so we could have more fun with transmog.

I just think you should stop taking about character appearances and just talk about something else that has nothing to do with ingame races and the character customization options or their lore. It’s pretty clear by people that you still don’t understand the whole spiel on why people call you a troll (not your opinions, side or anything, they have a problem with how you delivered it with your agruments and such and playing the victim here when you’re not the victim) i’ve gave you back on that last thread and continue to think it’s something else… You really haven’t shown you’ve learned from this. :confused:

Maybe talk about… idk, how Blizzard should actually implement ‘P!mp my mount’ feature? :man_shrugging:

Well it’s kind of too late to make up for it now. You had a good chunk of time to correct yourself or know what you did wrong and I even did gave you ways to correctly do it. This thread honestly just comes off as passive aggressive if i’m being honest, i just don’t think you still get it.

Off-topic, i do support this suggestion here, as i’ve did with your belf thread.

Well considering you didn’t even link the apology in question, no.

It does sort of remind me of this quote you’ve said in the other thread while ago… :thinking: