More Allied Raced or Sub-races

More like vinegar. A total disaster.

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I don’t know,I think we have enough races,yet ,it would be interesting if by chance we come across or discovered a new one ,one that can and would cause an upset on Aezroth.Maybe a native influenced by the effects of all the causes on Aezroth,a mutation. They do have enough material to form a story for this.

This is somewhat complicated to answer. The Mechagnomes have been well received as well… but not as a playable race which occupies a slot. I do think the game needs all of these unpopular races to be playable but the Alliance is in a very bad spot since Battle for Azeroth and given how often the developers bashed and mocked them it is for me not a surprise if the reactions are very extreme.

They would be even more of a lazy reskin than the Mechagnomes are already are. Both the Mechagnomes and Gilgolbins are better suited as a customization option for their main race. I hope they do change the system in the future to a flexible one where your racials change depending which subrace you choose.

On paper the Mechagnomes are a great idea but the timing was very bad. How can anyone release them against the Vulpera? How incompetent are these developers? It was visible from the very first day on how popular Vulpera are.

I’d like to see the following.

Naga- Azshara no longer being under the thumb of N’zoth via their bargain seeks to unify herself with the world being everyones Naga Queen whether they like it or not. (I can only dream)

Gilgoblin- Familiar with the Horde and the help they received with the Naga, come to land bringing with them their close chill community attitudes as well as secrets lost beneath the waves.

Sethrak- Come on now. This should of genuinely happened already.

Blood Trolls- Having lost their corrupted Matriarch, and Queen Talanji taking the Zaldalari throne, perhaps it is she that truly unifys all the troll tribes. The blood trolls reluctant yet more trusting a female in command although still watched closely. Talanji not keen on making the mistakes of her Father.

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Everything the alliance received in BfA resulted in moral backfire.
The industry has these moments when companies have an idea for a product, but it is poorly planned/executed/sold.
This product comes at the wrong time to the wrong audience.

Edysel. Coke 1985. Betamax.
Purple blood elves. Obese humans. junknames

In the case of alliance, the developers didn’t care, as they were sure that we would swallow even molten lead.

After all, we are the alliance. :clown_face:
The faction that a musician of dubious tastes “sneered” at in a Blizzcon.

The faction that dev made fun of when saying our battle cry should be “Have Mercy” or “Not in the Face”.
The faction that had at least 3 cities destroyed without any repercussions for the Horde and with no possibility of recovery

Why wouldn’t we receive placebos made grudgingly and lazily with open arms and a feeling of gratitude?


These humans are great but they should not have been their own race even if it makes sense during this time. The only real solution I see is to collect all the human races as one single option in the character creator and divide their racials and looks by subraces.

Replace the lost character portraits by actual wow races which are not human.

I like the idea of new allied races. I would want them to be new though and not a copy/paste like void elf, lightforged etc.

If not new races then how about customization that can achieve one of the looks of a race. Example: Make a female troll and be able to change body type to create a blood troll. The blood troll looks a lot like the troll but the body is thinner and there are some noticeable differences. There could just be a tab on troll to allow for that customization when you switch body types. Something like that. Then maybe there could be a quest to get heritage armor for that subset of troll. The armor is already made cause the npc’s wear it. I don’t know, maybe that’s too much work for them, who knows. Either way I like more races.

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They would be even more of a lazy reskin than the Mechagnomes are already are. Both the Mechagnomes and Gilgolbins are better suited as a customization option for their main race. I hope they do change the system in the future to a flexible one where your racials change depending which subrace you choose.

~The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread ✿

There is some pretty cool ideas for them in this thread. Besides. They would pretty much in line with just about every allied race before them.

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You shouldn’t need the ~.

Its a Blizzard forum thread so you can post it with out a TL issue.

There was an image showing up in the link. @blastkrizzle. This is cashcollecta. Just swapped since I wanted to grab the link for my thread.

Above list is good for me, though a couple ‘haven’t been exactly but friends but could possibly be befriended’ options:
Saberon: Some area seen running off towards the Barrens having been brought to Azeroth in the Mag’har recruitment scenario

Arakkoa: Fallen or non-Fallen variety (Fallen are still on Outland and we’ve helped some of them. Maybe some way is found to restore them to their original form in the recruitment, giving the option to be either)

Shadowlands covenant races: Despite the fact that they are ‘dead’, there are multiple instances of the different factions going to other places outside of the Shadowlands, especially Maldraxxus (Drakka afterlives shows them assaulting a burning legion facility on a place with trees and mountains)

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I would like to see…

  • night elf horde (undead rangers and moonguard nightelves) possibly as nightborne customization.
  • frost troll and jungle troll customization. Add a bulky bodytype option in the barbershop.
  • Yaungol, Taunka, Grimtotem customization for tauren
  • fresh undead humans (all customization that human deathknights use), New body type - leper gnomes.
  • San’layn/darkfallen blood elves. Felblood elves, demonhunter demon skins baseline for blood elves.
  • felbood orcs, new bodytype for orcs (half orcs/ogres muk’nathal)
  • shadowlands vulpin fur colors for vulpera. Gnoll customization.

Most wanted races for me

  • Murloc
  • Naga
  • Tuskarr
  • Tol’vir
  • Eredar (horde)
  • Mogu
  • Ethereal/broker
  • Kyrian
  • Venthyr
  • Fauns
  • centaurs
  • ogres (particular rogue ogres like Dagg)
  • Botani
  • harpy

I see Tuskarr, I see Ogres, I press like button :joy:.

Hopefully Blizzard though, decides too add a new race, I still believe that’s what shadowlands is lacking, maybe they got an ace up their sleeve in 9.2/9.3.

I would like to see the covenant races become playable, and neutral.

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