Morale for people who don't Get the legendary

You haven’t played much then, guilds have 2-3 of them by now if not more.
It takes around 6-8 weeks for it.

“I can’t have everything I want so it’s a waste of time!”

None of us are entitled to anything in this game. Rare items are good. It’s about time they made a legendary item rare again, instead of everyone and their mom having it.

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Considering that theres only like 2 viable severs on classic theres really not that many of them around

Even on a small servers guilds have multiple of them. I do not know where you’re getting your information.

Sure people that do not raid in a guild won’t have it.

Do you even play classic ?

I’ve done the whole of wotlk classic. Do you?

I do , lmao

Doesn’t sound like it. Like I said you can get a Shadowmourn in 6-8 weeks.
Unless you just do not do the content you will get it.

Yea thats fine but iv heard the leggo is not even a big dps boots, so why all the crying

It’s a 5-10% boost. People have cared about less. And like many have said, if it was truly something “legendary” then it would put the specs using it on top but they’re balanced around it so you’re just competing fairly with other classes once you got it. Play with one less piece of gear and tell me if you think it’s more fun, most people won’t find that fun.

Honestly people can get that 5% or more from optimizing their game play

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Alright, let’s use this logic then:

  1. This means the complaint of “previous ways of acquiring legendaries” aren’t applicable. Because back in the days of Wrath, folks didn’t get them by the nature of folks simply not knowing much about the game.
  2. So if it takes a short amount of dedicated time, they may as well be purple items that merely overperform for their role and cost gold to buy weekly pieces of them to then assemble in 6-8 weeks. Making them not legendary items at all.
  3. The only metric in which we have had “consistent ways of aquiring legendaries” has been from Legion (luck), and Shadowlands (deterministic). If you get lucky to get a special item at the end of a raid that is only accessible for a few number of people, then that acts as a boost - not as a balancing basis.
    Essentially, Legion was designed around everyone having these mega powered effects. DF isn’t. Meaning that the necessity of having a legendary is nil.

Folks just want the best equipment as soon as possible and that’s quite literally it. For all intent and purposes, legendaries in the past if applied to modern knowledge and understanding of how to play the game, as well as how we organize raids, guilds, and more … old legendaries aren’t legendaries. So in order to encapsulate a rare legendary item now’a’days we are required to have it be RNG based which, going further back than Wrath, they were random drops. Whether as materials for it or just quite literally just a random drop.

The legendaries doesn’t matter in DF; they are just an additional fun thing that folks are taking way too seriously and are pretending that the game is built and balanced around them when that’s not the case.

Furthermore, folks get even sillier when taking into account that folks keep asking “How does it work?!” and … well, to refer to an earlier post:

This isn’t a real problem. Folks just want it to have it and ascribe a whole lot weird assumptions to the axe and last season’s “triumphant roar”.

One can debate whether it is good or not to have these items in the game, but … it ain’t this problem folks make it out to be. It is quite literally just a question of MMO-loot design, not class or game balance - at least not in terms of DF.

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Sure but what if they can’t and are capped because of the legendary.
You’re not gonna tell me that playing ret paladin for example is super complexe.

Ignorance is not an excuse.
People didn’t do much raiding.
Just compare with classic, people are getting their legendaries because the system works.

Multiple weeks is not a short amount of time.

Funnily like I said Legion luck was calculated and an addon could calculate the pity timer for your next legendary (once they removed the softcap). It worked pretty well.

Maybe from your point of view. Like I’ve said before if you think that’s fun to do 5-10% less damage just play with one less piece of gear.

People want to progress in a progression based game? shocker.
People were promised a bad luck protection system that work, not getting their legendary after 10 weeks is not a working bad luck protection system.

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It works. It still doesn’t mean that you’re entitled to it.


If you do the work then yes you’re entitled to the reward. There’s nothing more moronic to say you aren’t.

Just remembered something Illidan Warglaives took me 11months to get both on my rogue

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You needed 2 of them so seems about right.

You aren’t. Just like you aren’t entitled to other rare drops.

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You should be. People have been asking for bad luck protection for raid loot for ages.

It’s funny how you ended up at should be from

There are items that people farm for years and never get, you aren’t entitled to everything in the game. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow but that’s how the game works. Rare items are good.