MOP/WOD world boss mount drop rates increased!

It’s probably about 1% now compared to the previous 0.05%. Still nowhere near the 50% drop rate for evokers during the bug.

Called it.

Hopefully they buff the immune shield (sha died in about 5-7 seconds) and decrease the spawn timer. Waiting 15 minutes per alt is not fun.


buff seems pretty big because I just got mine lol

Rarity addon is showing the drops at between 6-9% depending on the boss.
Son of Galleon’s Saddle 8.84%
Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent 9.56%
Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn 6.81%
Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent 8.20%
Solar Spirehawk (unfortunately I don’t have any data because I haven’t attempted to go for that one)
*note these percentages may vary depending on the number of attempts that you’ve already made. I’m in no way claiming these are Blizzards new percentages across the board. This is just what Rarity is showing as my chances.

The one thing I haven’t tested or tried yet, is if you’re in a party and a mount drops, does it drop for everyone in the party?

I take it you have to buy the 1 year sub to have a mount drop , i just ran trough all my toons including creating 3 new dracthyr , 65 ish chances with rerolls on sha and oon each and 0 drops wile plp that bot the 1 year sub have almost collected all 5 on less toons ???

if you buy the 1 year sub …

Well hate to break your little hearts Sha is still 0.4% not 1% or whatever they are saying. Rarity addon which I trust and is mostly accurate is giving me this % take it with a grain of salt but that is what I am going to go with. I’ve only gotten Galleons mount Pre “Buff” back in 2019.As for Don’t do Oondasta Nalak and Ruhkmarr much over Sha since i do him then go to SoO.But since this “Buff” im around 300+ kills account wide nothing. so relying on it being 1% you should not.cut that in half then by another .5% then you are in the right area.