MOP/WOD world boss mount drop rates increased!

I just hope “greatly” doesn’t mean that small still.
Would be nice if they increased old raid bosses too.
I’m tired of running ulduar and icc.


I’m hoping but not expecting it to be similar to what just happened which “required” a hotfix. Time will tell, however.

Even 1% is fine. The old droprate was legit like 1 in 2000-3000 or something.


actually 1% its a lot


Of course I sat around for hrs today doing Sha before the hot fix…oh well hopefully next week.

Thank god. What a good change.

Happy about the increased drop rate, but I hope it’s not a ridiculous increase. Is it wrong that I’m ok with rare things continuing to be rare?


Huge props to them for fixing this clearly absurd drop rate.

I really thought they’d do nothing and just ignore it - but they really went back and fixed the drop rates.

I’m legit shocked. Very happy with this decision.

Honestly, I’m hoping that they said screw it after the backlash they just got. Release them into the wild, I say. I say this as someone who farmed Invincible for 7 years.

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There’s a limit and the RNG on some items, acquistion, amount of attempts on this game just turn a game into a frustation machine… a slot machine.


Well, it’s not 100%. I can confirm that much. :stuck_out_tongue:


yes!!! finally! (i mean i recently dropped 3mil on the heavenly but if it means everyone has a better chance now, then i’m fine with the gold loss)
and for those who thought the drop rate was 1%, it was not. it was somewhere around 1/2000. Most standard mounts in wow have a 1% drop rate- so boosting it up to even just 1% would be a big deal. especially considering how many characters you can farm this on. good on them.

So I never liked the 1 in 2k drop, but again with these things, why was nothing done before to make drop rates more reasonable for 9 years? There’s people who farmed them for years, I knew someone who had to do 14k attempts on nalak, farmed pretty much on a full account for 4 years without missing a reset, so this sets a precedent that you shouldn’t bother farming stuff with very low drops and wait till it’s nerfed?


Well, just finished attempt #15. Nothing but gold and some random armor drops. Oh well. I’ll see about getting a few more alts out there tomorrow.

need galleon, rukh, nalak, and oon.
Got sha a long time ago.

time get the 400 alts out.

Greatly increased, but didnt give us a number.

hmmm so like 0.00000000000001% increase

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Oh don’t be negative right off the bat. It’s looking like a 1% drop chance.

Knowing Blizzard… It probably went up by .01%


maybe now ill bother farming heavenly

Buddy killed the Sha on his warrior and got the mount yesterday. He is not a mount collector, but seeing the increase, decided to try his luck. In any other case, he would have never touched the content.

I’m happy for all the people getting this mount and the other MOP world boss mounts. :slight_smile:

Agree. 1/2000 is a little extreme but I’m ok with some things in the game just being rare or hard to get.