MoP's Story is way better then DF's Story

now you done gone did it.

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MOP was always called the China expansion, as every Panda bear today, has it´s roots at China.

A lot of people did not like that and felt it was childish and out of touch with the evils of Azeroth.

DF also has it´s reputation, but I am afraid If I say which, it will end up in another :popcorn: thread, where minorities are attacked. You could argue that the “China expansion” did open WOW for the asian market, just like the DF expansion opens the door to another one.

From my point of view, it shows that Blizzard is trying to please a certain type of gamer / community.

DF for me was just a as much a miss as MOP, that being said, the Tillers with their farm were still some of the best features and story lines in WOW that I ever played. It was just super grindy. I also enjoyed the moment a lot, when we finally opened the gates to the last zone.

That was truly epic.

I agree about someones thoughts that he felt he wanted to help the Pandarian people, while with DF that feeling is often overshadowed by the political direction the game has taken. The only char from DF that I truly remember is the poor one who died early in the game, while trying to be a hero.

We have someone like that in many expansions, but it was the first time that the “for me” main plot char, dies already in the first zone.



MoP was good, but it could have been better. I was discussing this with others if we could change MoP’s story a bit, what would we have done.

Some of the ideas discussed were the Alliance going full Conquest mode and painting Pandaria blue. A Sha crazed Jaina going around and killing the Celestials to absorb/capture their essence to use as a weapon to destroy the Horde.

Siege of Orgrimmar would have been a race againt the clock to A: Stop Garrosh and destroy the Heart and B: Stop Jaina from using her Sha and Celestial infused magic to wipe out not just Orgrimmar but a massive Chunk of Kalimdor too.


I would say the one thing MoP did better than Dragonflight was it established its new antagonists far more effectively. While the Dragons of WoW are a known quantity, these uber-protodrakes out of nowhere really needed more establishment to have the kind of impact the likes of the Sha and Thunderking managed to pull off.

We’ll have to see what TWW has in store for us, though. Dragonflight’s legacy is TBD, but what MoP lead to with its non-ending was the nadir of WoW for a long time.


MoP had easily the best storytelling WoW ever had. But metrics said people didn’t want storytelling, they wanted blasting, so we got blasting.


Becouse MOP is fun! Just hearing the tabern music give you good vibe. I have played DF for almost 1.5 years and i dont recall Valdrakken music.

Shadopan are badass elite npcs. All the burden are well implemented with the exception of sha of hate and they actually affect the player, not just the character.

If you ask any player who play pandaria about the MOP lore, they will know it and probably will know the reason the characters devolvep in that way, but ask anyone what was DF lore and probably they will not remember any quest or just the more iconic ones.

DF try to be epic and fail. It doesnt take any chances, evething is good but forgettable




Absolute BS.

MoP is not just a story about panda’s it has oldgods titan facilities alliance vs horde more than you will ever need dailys some of the best story patchs amazing art so on so forth, the issue however is alot of people saw the pandaren and heard the name pandaria and were like nope not playing that and left and they lost all the amazing story that went on.


That one quest in Dreadwastes where Chen Stormstout talks to the grave of the relative he never met. I don’t know, maybe it’s just where I’m at in life these days but it got to me.


i love that they mention the times chen was out exploring kalimdor and the warcraft 3 mentions were nice.

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The time period that MoP was written in was a different atmosphere. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened.


Because, Blizzard doesn’t have a shred of talent working for them these days when it comes to game design and writing.


Quick aside: Your mog is outstanding!

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The game feels better than it has in a long time, systems and content cycle wise, and the lore wasn’t super exciting or enthralling but after the mess that was Shadowlands lore and systems I have been more than enjoying Dragonflight and it’s made me super super excited for it to ramp up in the Worldsoul Saga!


I loved MOP , but ( and i admit this is my perception) I resented that Cho kept saying I was " bringing my war here" like i was personally responsible for the horde. I rolled with it and played it out and maybe it was fun to be a warmonger, but I was somewhat personally insulted as a peacenic semi consciously, that is to say , I naturally seek peace as the first option IRL.

Thank you!!!

The world building in MoP was the best they ever did, the landscape and the buildings were the best they have ever done. The story was good. I started during early TBC and have played every expansion when it was current content and MoP was the most enjoyable for me. Lich King was a close second.

I don’t entirely agree because I love DF and it’s easily in my top 3-5, but there is one thing MoP did better: it connected the zones narratively extremely well.

You don’t see the full story of the Valley of the Four Winds until you do Krasarang Wilds which leads you to the event of the walls coming down. Which leads you to the Mantid. And whether you go to Kun-Lai Summit or through the Dread Wastes, you are led to Townlong Steppes. DF handles this by going, “go meet this person over in the next zone” which doesn’t feel as explorer-y as MoP does despite DF leaning heavily into the explorer vibe.

Chen literally leads you through The Valley of the Four Winds! Drunkenly, to find more ways to get drunk, but he still leads you! I don’t give a virmin’s butt about the factional stuff beyond the repercussions of war on these people who never asked for it. But I loved how MoP was laid out narratively.


DF just feels so boring. I don’t know why this expansion is getting the praise it gets.

DF and SL just didn’t have the Warcraft vibe for me. Felt like some generic fantasy IP that has elements of WoW sprinkled into it.

The writing for the last 2 expansions has been awful, and the leaked sub graph proves that the last 2 expansions have not resonated with overall WoW player base.


You have to consider the quality of people that enjoy it. I too question these people and their decisions.