MoP's Story is way better then DF's Story

How is an expansion filled with drunk pandas feel more warcraft and epic then DF? Whereas, DF is filled with dragons felt boring and has a Hello Kitty vibe to it.


Probably cause MoP felt weird and different and Dragonflight just felt safe.

And wow was never about being safe.

Idk, some generic bs like that


At the time, people criticized MOP for being too goofy. The amount of Kung Fu panda jokes were astronomical.

The bar is very high, though. MOP is probably the best worldbuilding the game has ever done.


as someone who has played since vanilla believe me when I tell you Mists of pandaria was the best expansion.

That’s not to say it didn’t have problems.

But it was peak wow.

class balancing was good, PVP balancing was pretty good. The raids were a lot of fun even though siege was out for a long time.


i like MoP but i also like DF you can enjoy both



Dragonflight is absolutely Warcraft, but it’s also absolutely a safe design with low stakes. It’s a reset. A pallet cleanser after Shadowlands. It’s not meant to be bold.


This was dreadfully needed after Shadowlands. A safe expansion that’s building up the next three years is better than trying to raise the stakes again and again and again without any downtime. We needed as much of a reset as possible to set the game on a better track. Sure, Dragonflight was safe, but I enjoyed the safe. It was nice after three expansions of nonstop war.


First impressions can be deceiving and that was also the case with MoP.
What Blizzard has done with Pandaria is simply incredible. Interesting setting that could have gone wrong. The areas were great, as was the music and the story, although you can’t believe it’s actually dark. Not to mention world building and a new mythology. The Mogu, Mantis, Sha, Jinyu and Yaungol races were well introduced.

Dragonflight was the exact opposite and also looked so childishly Disney-like. However, the gameplay was at least an improvement.


And the burdens of Shao Hao. I think it was the first time WoW made my eyes watery.

MoP took lots of risks and imo it paid off. The whole expansion felt like an actual fairy tale of epic proportions where there are stuggles, harships suffering, good and evil, redemption and so many other great motives that resonated with me very much.


MoP’s story is peak WoW story though


Half of Mop is “Raaaaaagh!!! Me kill other faction!!!” Spare me.

The Pandaria stuff is the actual interesting part of MoP, and I guarantee that if the Shaohao cinematic that plays after SoO came out today, the same people would be calling it “Hello Kitty vibes.”


Since the MoP remix is ​​out, I’m just traveling around Pandaria. I love being in Pandaria than the Dragon Islands.
Overall a very good expansion, it’s just a shame that people made fun of it back then.


I didn’t play through MoP when it was current.

Blasted through the quests at some point to get Loremaster, but what a mistake that was.

I’ve played through the zones now properly/completely and have to agree. I have enjoyed the story arc lot more than anything recent, last time I enjoyed the story this much was Legion.


I remember how I was sceptical of it at first " because pandas" but I gave it a try. And I was very quickly won over.
The Horde intro with Way of the Monk playing in the background while you aboard to the battle was just chief’s kiss and made you pumped as hell.

And the more you descend into Pandaria it starts cheerful but then it becomes darker and darker.

Wonderful decision. And lots of great stories along the way.


“Please adventurer, my sheep are going to be eaten by Tyranos.
Go save them and I’ll give you some gold coins”.

No, not my cup of tea.

While I do love DF, I absolutely agree that Mists is a lot more interesting to me as far as story and personality of the content.
Mists is #1
DF #2
Classic and prior to Mists #3
Legion #4
WoD, BFA and SL can all be removed other than allied races.


I remember that vividly. Was rather surprised because I was very excited for Mists after not liking Cata at all.

I remember leveling one guy through and then all my alts got leveled by mining and herbing.

One guy was leveled soloing one of the AQs because the ore that was dropped off some mobs gave an inordinate amount of xp.

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I really like MoP, but I loved Dragonflight.

Saying ‘it doesn’t feel like wow’ without specifically citing what it is that you define as WoW is stupid.

Also, you’re going to be even more disappointed in TWW as dialogue leaked so far is very much about the faction warfare being dead.


I agree! While MoP definitely branched out into a more silly tone in some places, like with the Pandas, I felt like they were actually executed very well and everything was pretty much believable. WoW also has always had silly moments in it so MoP wasn’t really that CRAZY or anything. People just couldn’t get over “Kung Fu Panda” at the time and rightfully so. I actually like the Pandaren nowadays and I liked the eastern cultural influence the game got to experience.

Dragonflight on the other hand was riddled with terrible story beats that weren’t really followed through with, overly sappy monologues about peace and unity, and character development that I didn’t really care about other than the Kalecgos/Blue Dragonflight storyline. Most of the characters did not act like they were living on Azeroth (even the minor ones). It was like everyone in Dragonflight just got back from a vacation from real world Earth’s California. I wanted fantasy and got way too much irl “life lessons”.


Which is really funny because yall called MoP Hello Kitty when it was new