MoP's Story is way better then DF's Story

It still is hello kitty, they never got rid of Valley of the Four Winds’ monotonously boring farm chores quests. Half the time you’re picking, cleaning, and recuperating vegetables in that place, and that’s peak MoP wow.

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The farm is also optional so I don’t get why you’re complaining. Also isn’t the farm stuff shut off for Remix?


It’s not optional if you want to get the Landfall achievement. I went through all maybe 100 quests in that place, and I am hoping to god that I never have to experience anything like it or Ardenweald ever again as long as I live.

Especially Ardenweald that place should be burned down, never looked at ever again and just obliterated from the shadowlands.

Would you say it’s the ‘ginger’… to ‘snap’ us out of that SL funk?

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cool. dont care.

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Dragonflight is a transitional story that takes us from one phase of WoW to another. The story may not be riveting, but there’s plenty to do and lots of fun to be had. TWW sounds like it’s going to crank things up again.


You cared about the pandas, more or less. Or the fish folks. These dragons and centaurs? Ehh.


Yes, yes it was.

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MoP got bashed early and pretty hard over the whole Panda thing, but it does have a fairly dark and very rich story.


You must not have been around when MOP was the current expansion. People were saying the same exact crap about it when it came out and the stigma of it being compared to Kung Fu Panda was prevalent throughout its entire runtime.

Now the same people that have nostalgia for it are saying the same crap about Dragonflight.


Indeed. Becuase they had personality and well made history. They were very distinct factions. If we take the DF Centaurs, there is barely any difference between clans. And the only one that stands out is the one you have to beat up to prove a point how we musn’t fight.

Pandaren despite being labeled as “peacemongrels” aren’t actually that much against the fight, but what Chen said “For my kind a true question is -what is worth fighting for?
This is why MoP felt like a Warcraft, while DF isn’t even if it has big notable characters in there.
You don’t have any real stakes, Dragons are unlikable and incompetent I see no reason why they were rewarded with Aspect powers when I wouldn’t trust them to take care of my dog. The messaging was very patronising.
Characters felt as if they were lobotomized. Everyone acted likeminded, any possible disagreements were non-existant.
So DF overall was incredibly shallow and didn’t make me feel invested at all.


I disagree, personally. But as a playerbase it’s important to understand not every theme will always appeal to everyone.

This happen in every MMO, included FF that the internet overly praise.


Neither good or bad. Thankfully Ebonhorn reigns the Black Dragonflight. :robot::+1:

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You know why. It doesnt need to be said. It will just result in a ban.

I love MOP especially the moment the i hit Half-hill content.


A Panda bashed the head of Snake person on a rock. That’s warcraft!!! If the same thing happen in DF. The Dragon would spent a whole cut scene explaining the power of friendship and talking about their feelings.


You only need to meet two of the criteria for the Landfall achievement, and I got it without doing what you had to.


Two of the criteria? What do you mean by that I have only done 3 zone’s stories and that hasn’t been enough to unlock the new class transmogs.

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easy: the villians are better, and don’t feel just dumped into the world.


Hugely a character development issue in Dragonflight for sure. In my opinion, they made the dragons too nice, and they lost the mystical, primal ferocity you’d expect from a dragon, and the centaur tribes were also way too kind and had extremely limited lore.

I read everything in Dragonflight and so much of the dialogue was written so sappy and unbelievable. Many of the minor characters felt like if you blindfolded me and read me their dialogue boxes, I’d have zero clue who was who. Point here is that they all felt so similar like there was no real love put into the quest text.

Compare that to MoP quest text and dialogues. I think the MoP stuff was written with so much more care. I actually wanted to help the people of Pandaria. With many of the Dragonflight characters, it just felt like Blizzard was rushing and kind of just slapped something down really quick to push the expansion out.

I will give Blizz credit for a handful of good storylines, like the Blue Dragonflight questline and the Taivan quests. Taivan made me tear up.