MoP Remix was way better than Plunderstorm

Except for the last two days, where I made this same character I’m posting with, but on the wrong server (oops!) I focused entirely on one character. I still haven’t converted that super-strong character over. I just can’t bring myself to do it. :frowning:

Anyway yeah, I generally am okay with and enjoy pvp, but I dislike Plunderstorm because of how it’s set up. You’re thrown into a starting area where there’s only a bit of time to get used to the controls, skills, etc before you’re thrown into the world. There, you have to figure out what everything does while watching out for other players at the same time. It’s really a bit overwhelming. And due to the lack of any growth, frankly it’s boring.

Thats lvling what about all the mounts, meta achive mount, mogs and toys

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It took well over 60 hours to get everything from remix, you clearly have NO idea what you’re talking about.

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People are talking about grinding for the event rewards (mounts, pets, transmogs, etc) not the leveling. I leveled a character through remix in 2 days of very casual play. Had I been more focused, it would’ve easily been done in a single evening.

It’s the rewards grind that drew it out.


So you admit it. PVP is part of the game.

Not only that, but if you had fully upgraded your character’s gear before it ended every single one of those slots got the full crest discount. Whatever gear you managed to fill them with could be upgraded to the max with just Flightstones.
Leaves out rings, trinkets and neck, sure, but an easy 528 weapon alone is still really nice.


Yeah, PvP is part of the game. Obviously it is. Not my thing, but it’s part of WoW.

When I say Plunderstorm is separate, I’m referring to the fact that you’re playing an isolated empty template, not your actual character(s).

People liked remix because it was easy. Just put in the time and become powerful with zero skill.


No, I liked it because I enjoyed MoP when it was new and it felt good to revisit it with a new twist.

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No offense, but who cares? Do it or don’t do it.

Hard disagree. I’d likely still playing MoP: Remix if it was available and paced slower when it comes to the rewards.

It was just that much more fun.

Nothing like being a God of Destruction obliterating everything in your path to unwind.

Gib Legion Remix already