MoP Remix was way better than Plunderstorm

Yea at least i played a good 3 weeks in MoP to get all the stuff, took me 1.5 days to get all the stuff i wanted from Plunderstorm


Got you beat, I got all I wanted from Plunderstorm in 0s!

Though, I agree… MoP was pretty fun.


That’s like saying Avengers was much better than Breaking Bad, or something. Not comparable.


Remix is better because it’s not completely separate from the actual game. You at least keep the character you worked on after the event, even if the gear itself is converted to generic stuff.


Well yeah, Plunderstorm no matter how you slice it is a grind, some will do good, some will not.

Remix on the flip side is more like giving kids keys to the candy store while at the same time giving them a cure for never getting diabetes. I mean it was basically god mode and players ate it up because it was grade school level of easy to do things

Personally I see both as busy work that could of been better used to make the story better; give us more dungeons or raids, or perhaps another epic battleground even but I would rather be in Remix any day over Blunderstorm.



Remix was WoW, Plunderstorm is not - it just borrows some art assets and uses WoW cosmetics to game participation metrics.

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They both suck. We don’t need more sequestered mini-games. We need better development of the main game.

They are two completely different modes, so it’s hard to compare the two since they cater to two completely different audiences, but I did enjoy Remix quite a bit myself. It was a nice trip down memory lane with a few added twists to the experience.

Plunderstorm 2.0 might have been better if it was all new items imstead of mostly recolors form the first time and if they changed up the map to a diferent zone.

I enjoyed it the first time but seeing Arathi Basin again for it is kind of boring.

Well i mean they are both side content mini like games

Remix was loads of fun. I soaked up enough threads to be pretty much unkillable, even during mythic garrosh wipes (my teams hated me for that). Was so fun.

Now plunderstorm? I’m just going to get my pets and mounts, then get out. Completely miserable experience.

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Just pay attention where other players are landing specially like purple and blue chests you dont wanna land there

Well one is WoW (Remix), one is “WoW” FortSkin.

I just want to land as close to where the death storm starts as possible, so when someone does try to kill me, I can run in as far as I can so that they get a nice middle finger.

You keep all the mogs you work for in Plunderstorm, which is the point of the event, so I don’t see how this matters.

I’d argue that MoP did a lot of good for the main game, though we likely won’t see the benefits for a while. It was a good way to evaluate skill usage and performance on different classes than you could get via a PTR.

Just find a barrel or maybe vanish item to get away from other players, they’ll chase you for a bit and give up

/shrug, some of us just enjoy the game mode. I did plunderstorm after I finished everything in the original version, I will play it even though I’m done with everything I want now. Can enjoy both game modes, one is pvp one is PvE, not hard to understand.

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Theres some issues with retail but nothing is perfect, not sure why alot of people are unhappy, since they get a killer value for $15 or 300k gold… there like 4 maybe classic versions, retail, side games like plunderstorm and mop remix, and updates every like 3 months… tons of stuff to play

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I know, but fact is I’m just not great at battle royale games. Just gonna slowly die my way to all the stuff I want and then let out a sigh of relief as I GTFO. :smiley: