Mop remix ruined the value of mounts

Look, I know, it stopped being socially acceptable to stomp on some other kid’s sand castle when you turned 8 but you’re not clever or smart for pointing out that video games are a pass time.

Plus I was talking about the difference between earned achievements- you categorically have to be better at the game than a certain percent of the population to get gladiator mounts- and mounts that are more or less handed to you- no one is impressed you can farm Karazhan till Huntsman drops his mount.

And yet by the end of the event, I’m sure there will be plenty of people who played Remix and didn’t buy them and whine on the forums.

Not everyone who plays retail is playing MoP and if you go by the forum threads alot of them quit Remix within 4 hours.

So it’s still going to be rare after the event.

I have unobtainable mounts and mogs that I like, but I use common mounts and mogs because they bring me joy.

If these things you valued stopped bringing joy to you because they were made more common then I don’t think you valued the item itself in the first place. Or at least not solely.

Iunno, maybe think on it. One day we’ll have to accept that everything in wow that we got is going to disappear (or we will disappear first).

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Don’t know about you champ but the hundreds of times I have two shot Rukhmar (in 15 minute increments, of course) or the also hundreds of times I’ve killed the first two bosses in mythic Karazhan don’t feel valuable at all

Just give me the mounts already, I’m tired boss

I was up to a kill count close to 500 or so trying to farm Invincible before I just quit caring. Got sick of running through a cavernous raid every week on multiple characters, where I oneshot everything but it still took 20+ minutes every time coz the darn raid was so large. So I just stopped. Same with Mimiron’s Head in Ulduar, though my attempt count there was lower and it wasn’t quite as bad.

If Invincible and Mimi’s Head were offered in a manner similar to the MoP raid mounts, I’d be on that in a heartbeat just so I never have to see ICC or Uld again in my life.

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^ Nallie outlines the current situation perfectly,
all “meaningful” achievements eitehr just plain time sink or a sold carries.
I was like “meh” dragons before Pandaria Remix and exact same “meh” after.

All mounts that are a percentage drop already have no meaning tied behind them. Its just getting lucky over an accomplishment.


At this point, adding skips to these old raids would be great. ICC and Ulduar can certainly be a bit of a chore.


Netherdrake mount (regardless of “flavor)” will always be my bis mount. The best part is anyone can get it after a week or two of work.

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As far as I know it’s the original dragon mount, which makes them eternally special

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People who farmed can take pleasure in being OG, me personally I’m glad I don’t have to waste my sub time on a 1% drop chance

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