Mop remix ruined the value of mounts

That would be really cool I agree.

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I had been farming a few of these mounts for years before I was finally able to obtain them through that vendor. I’m not mad. I’m relieved that my MoP mount farming is officially over after 12 years. To me, this is fine.


I mean at least remove the weekly raid lockout and make it daily for old xpacs in retail so we can farm daily for things.

This. This 100%.

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If you are so against getting mounts this way why would you bother buying it, why not sit for however long trying to farm for it.

Seems more like you are trolling though because of the contradiction with your first post in starting this thread anyway though so I don’t expect you to have any type of legit explanation.


whips and chains excite me cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it

Nobody is trolling.

The value to them comes from no one else having it.
Its one of those things about feeling special as a player or whatever.

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Really because you keep saying contradictory stuff while saying that you bought a mount and somehow it devalues it, pick your lane.

If you actually believe having to farm for it for years and years adds value, why would you buy it and make a thread to complain about buying it, just don’t buy it it’s as simple as that.



If you felt it undermines the value of said mount, you could… not buy it and cont to farm it the way it is?


You mean it undervalues how lucky you have been with farming this mount over the last 10 years?

I don’t see how that makes what I said have less merit though. What I said is still true in my opinion and I wasn’t rude about it.

Mounts don’t really have value, unless they’re tied to an achievement. Then they’re a badge, of sorts.

I feel like it doesn’t since the mounts have zero value beyond the value I place on them.


Exactly. But come on, nobody here collects anything in real life? My mom loved antiques and growing up my house was full of them, so ya its nice having something not everyone has, but I changed my tune on this issue, many collectors have the advantage of playing for years before others did and its not the fault of newer players, so let them collect.

I wonder if they will do a Remix for every Xpac… letting many people catch up on collecting.

If it wasn’t tied to a meaningful achievement that actually required you work for it- like the gladiator mounts- and instead revolved around your willingness to grind a simplistic, repetitive task over and over… good.

It’s good that the mount is ‘worthless’ now. If you want to show off, find a mount that’s worth showing off. Otherwise? Find a mount you actually like. Rare mounts should never have a drop rate lower than 1%, it’s just ridiculous.

And the black and plague protos

Hey, why not throw in time-lost while you’re at it.

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I always loved hearing this comment.

“It ruined the value of the item!”

Bro, did you even want it in the first place?


This is why FOMO is a meme.


uhmm, sorry, there is no such thing, that is a video game we playing here