Mop remix ruined the value of mounts

finally bought the sha of anger mount in mop remix. Been farming it on and off for like 10 years. I feel like when blizzard does this, it undermines the value of these mounts.


Then their value was never real to begin with.

I farmed for months to get my Heavenly Onyx serpent because it’s gorgeous and I wanted it. I don’t give two flips if someone else got it easier - it’s still mine.


You didn’t have to buy it. You could have just kept trying for the drop in retail.


It’s not like youre able to sell it. It has no value at all except what you put into it. You paid for it vs it dropping. You lost nothing.

Meanwhile, I picked up 30+ mounts of which most I never would use anyway.


OP do you only value things by how few people have the same or similar?

Because I suspect for most people the real value of these mounts was never the mount itself but the fact it added to their overall mount counts.

Anyone who valued it because they found it to be the most appealing mount to use would neither care or consider anyone else having the mount, or the ease with which anyone else added the mount to their collections.


No it didnt, its just a 20 years old dragon.
I tried to farm at first and then realized, I dont even need it.

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It’s just a mount or mounts, everyone has favorite mounts but for most people mounts are just numbers that they just collect and never use, it’s legit a nonissue.

It’s like one of my favorites is the love rocket and I’d be happy if everyone could have it easily because I love pink and it’s a fabulous mount that everyone should have.


I dont care about rarity of mounts or how hard they are to get.

The only thing that matters to me is if i like it.

Anything else is just for the sake of the collection.


I would give you exactly zero dollars for a collection of digital pixels shaped like a dragon.

Both before and after remix.

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I farmed all the Panda world boss mounts. I have no problem with my friends being to purchase them now. It doesn’t make the ones I use any less special to me.


when remix ends there will still be people wanting sha

They’re pixels in an live service game, they never had any value and you’re going to lose them eventually

Just get the stuff you like and enjoy that


HARD disagree OP. Hard disagree…


I agree. It’s my opinion that receiving things that take time and luck increases my surprise and happiness when I receive it. That small chance also drives me to keep doing content for it. I haven’t stepped foot in Icecrown since I got invincible lol.

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^ Next we will get WOTLK remix and invincible can just be purchased with some participation currency.


One can only hope. Every xpac, every mount, every toy, everyeveerything - i might finally gete my timewalking mount instead of running thousands of timewalking runs every time its available to seee brand new players loot it - worst one i ever seen was a ww monk who just cast lightning the entire run.


and what effort exactly did you put into that mount, boring
side tv show runs while oneshotting mobs every week?

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Hope we do, the mount looks super jank now adays so may as well more people enjoy it

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Man, if they ever do a WotLK remix they better add a white bone frostwyrm mount like the one the Lich king summons for dks to ride at the starting area to destroy the crusade. That model was way too cool to not use as a mount,

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