MoP remix. Golden oppurtinity to introduce 4 more allied races

Nice, you can play a statue.

More tauren customization instead of a new race would make more sense.

It’s a monkey.

lol, cant think of one less charimastic race in the entire wow universe.

Even pandas are extremely rare race that you rarely see anyone playing, imagine a fish.

shrugs under a chair?

No. I wish they’d stop making allied races too.

fleshy statue person.
they didnt become statue folk till after the thunder king got angry at the fleshies.

big face tauren > small face tauren.

arnt we all?

kiss the fish.

How many times do Alliance characters on the forums have to be sat down and explained how the Sethrak are literally allied with the Horde? Will they ever learn?

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Would totally lvl one of each race, specially monkey and fish ones.

Ignoring that I’m mostly joshing and not that serious about it?

I actually prefer the concept of neutral Sethrak. Since they’re not actually Horde right now at all.

The Devoted though I would expect to go Horde, and normally in my scenario of convenience, the Faithless’ Remnants flee to the Alliance to build up their numbers and retake their land later. (Though that was my prior to the end of BfA setup.)

Nowadays I think it’d be really easy to just have us find Sethrak in TWW as they were an underground empire themselves supposedly. Have a break off group that didn’t even know what was going on because they were stuck over there after the Sundering be a neutral Sethrak and then everyone gets to have Sethrak.

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