You just had your turn.
I want a cozy next.
You just had your turn.
I want a cozy next.
Less odd than the PvP only event that alienated the much larger PvE portion of the playerbase, and a large portion of the PvPers too as it was garbage even as a PvP experience.
It was called Punderstorm. PvP is less than 1% of the game.
Literally the most fun I ever had in this game was WPvP on Timeless Isle, I miss it.
of course.
everyone cried every single day in hundreds of threads about Plunderstorm like literal toddlers. kicking screaming, rolling on the ground, and everything.
You had to expect that the PVPers would do the same thing, just to drive the point home.
turnabout is fair play, imo.
I can certainly see a WoD PvP limited time event in our future.
There is a borrowed power system they are adding to MoP Remix with the gem system, adding a PvP mode would probably force them to try to balance the different powers (and most likely nerf the fun out of them), and that’s not the point of this event.
Yea, they wouldn’t have bothered. Formal PvP would have been an absolute disaster.
Also, I’ve heard nothing about the tensor not being available in Timeless Isle. The griefing that’s going to be happening on TI is going to be legion!
I can see the forum, posts now.
This is a PVE timed mog run. That’s the whole point of it.
What are you wearing, how can you be so bright and green and pretty?
Yall are never happy
Just to chime in on this: Plunderstorm was nothing like WoW PvP.
WoW Players who like WOW PVP, got NOTHING.
This is false.
Yet, it was WoW players fighting other WoW players.
I wish there was a term/abbreviation for content when players fight other players…
Well, Remix will be nothing like WoW PvE, so fair’s fair.
Cute, people thinking PVP players are even a significant portion of the playerbase. imho, pvp players make up less than 33% of the player base even if that. All the pvp players have left for dayz, cod and actual good pvp games.
WoW (split among its various versions) has around 7.5 million active accounts. You think there are more than 1% that are PvP mainly players?
I wish they did then maybe they wouldn’t have spent the whole time complaining every 3 seconds for weeks for being forced to do it.
Gluten free PvP. I did not enjoy it as much as the regular kind. But we’re getting MoP in the near future so can’t complain.
Because of how crazy the gems will be.
Remix is 90% wow Pve.
You just get more powers and that’s it.
Plunderstorm was fortnite light. Nothing about using our classes and toolkits.
NO objective based PvP, like WoW BGs.
They make a significant part of WoW, and y’all are very delusional if you think otherwise.
Even in this very PvP-adverse foums, they were the #2 option on the poll.
I won’t argue that they are in the minority, but they are not insignificant by any means.
I’d say 10-15% AT LEAST are mainly PvP Players.
k bro.