MoP Remix Achievement/Reputation Bugs

Achievements Not Unlocking and Experience Issues with Operation: Shieldwall in MoP Remix - among others

I am currently playing the MoP Remix version of World of Warcraft and have encountered two notable issues:

  1. Achievements Not Unlocking: Despite reaching exalted status with The Order of Cloud Serpents, the corresponding achievements are not unlocking.

  2. Experience Issues with Operation: Shieldwall: While participating in Operation: Shieldwall, I am experiencing inconsistent experience gains. Initially, I receive experience points, but then some of the experience points are deducted, resulting in minimized repgains. For instance I’ll recieve 1700 rep points but then will say “your reputation with Operation: Shieldwall decreased by 1450 points” - Therefore I may not be able to get exalted now - and won’t be able to get all class unlocks/mounts.

*To note, I am seeing reports that issues such as this has happened once the prepatch went live. I think this has to do with warband reputations shared and achievements?

I also have seen other bug reports from others; yes I am aware. I wouldn’t have made another post but my GM ticket said that I should make a post on the bug forums here.

I’m hoping to see a fix to this, especially that MoP Remix is almost over - my goal is to get every feat of strength achievement unlocked.


You’re not alone.

Just basic quest rep is problematic. You get x amount of rep and then 75 - 90% is taken back for some reason

Same issue here… Sad.

You aren’t alone, i’ve been dealing with this as well. I have just reached honored rank for Dominance Offensive (Horde Side of Shieldwall) strictly through dailies alone. This is going to be a grindy next few days. Hopefully, this will get fixed in the patch coming out today! We will see!

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same here, idk wat to do.2450/6000 Sheildwall reputation now, and doest have any following quest

Ive been running into the same problem with the landfall questline. It will say “Reputation with the Dominance Offensive increased by 3000”

only for the next line right below to read “Reputation with the Dominance Offensive decreased by 2750”

Been checking everyday since 11.0 patch and my rep achieves for cloud serpent and sunreavers have still not popped up. Both are exalted

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I’ve been stuck at revered with shieldwall/landfall since the prepatch and it keeps telling me I need to improve my rep to get the next quest. been grinding dailies to try and hit exalted. Its kind of depressing because my whole point in playing Mop was to get two mounts and the class armors from the achievements.

I hope to see a fix today. I’m getting close to hitting exalted with several others as well and want the achievements for them. Here is a larger thread if anyone is interested to bump it.

Same here. :frowning:

We’re at 20 days left with no response or fix in sight. How would you all like to see the changes be made?:

I’m hoping for at least accelerated rep earnings for the last couple weeks. Or something in the files to see what quests we’ve completed, and to retro-actively give us the missing reputation. A lot of us are far away from completion, but I’m hoping we can all get our two mounts and class armor pieces.

I’m also facing this bug - or something related. I earned exalted with Kirin Tor offensive, but the Remix achievement still say it’s Incomplete.

This sucks. Had to grind for days for the achievement, and support isn’t willing to help.

I can’t post links, but if you do try /a/djVhfbK on imgur, there’s a screenshot of the issue.

At this point they might as well remove the reputation requirement to finish the campaign, cause im unable to get the armor sets due to this.

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Also having this bug. Was getting the achievements fine until this past week, and couldn’t get the one for Order of Cloud Serpents.

Edit: As of yesterday August 1st, I was able to hit Exalted with Operation Shieldwall yesterday, doing multiple campaign quests back to back. Today I logged in received the Order of Cloud Serpents achieve. Whatever the heck was broken seems to be fixed, I should hit exalted with Kirin Tor Offensive soon, and I’m optimistic it will work out.

I am also experiencing both of these issues.

When it comes to the Order of the Cloud Serpents exalted rep achievement I think that warbands are preventing it from being awarded if you got the achievement in the normal game because I wasn’t able to get the Order of the Cloud Serpents achievement which I have gotten before but I was able to get the Shado-pan Assault exalted achievement which I had never gotten in the normal game

tuesday downtime coming and going without even an acknowledgement

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I just want to get the class gear sets honestly. As long as I end up getting those, I don’t really care haha!

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Well the problem with this is that you can not finish the story without the rep, so we are kind of screwed regardless.

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Same problem. Resubbed after a few years and get hyped for the armor sets. Not a great impression to start off with.

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