MoP DPS Tier List

Yea I have 0 clue I never played mop.

Time to bust out the panda mage since mage has literally 0 racials that give damage, gj blizzard.

If frost is best mage spec I might go back to mage, I’m currently doing ele shaman.

I love frost as a PVE spec it just has always sucked and proc based rotations are my favorite

frost mage is a joke

Here’s a basic outline of the rotation:

  1. Frostbolt: This is your primary filler spell.
  2. Ice Lance: Use this when you get a Fingers of Frost proc.
  3. Frostfire Bolt: Use this when you get a Brain Freeze proc.
  4. Frozen Orb: Use this on cooldown to generate Fingers of Frost procs.
  5. Icy Veins: Use this cooldown to increase your casting speed and overall damage.
  6. Alter Time: Use this to snapshot buffs and extend their duration.
  7. Evocation: Use this to gain a damage buff when talented into Invocation.

Remember to keep your Water Elemental active and use its Freeze ability to generate additional Fingers of Frost procs. Managing these procs and cooldowns effectively will help you maximize your damage output as a Frost Mage in MoP.

All rotations are a joke lol.

I don’t look at a classes rotation because they are all simple with practice.

I just look to see the kind of rotation it has and frost is a proc based rotations which I like.

S tier - Druid
A tier - warrior, mage, monk
B tier - shaman

P.S. This is my personal list and in no way based on statistics.

Cant wait to farm Sha of Anger again :unamused:

Your missing specs.

ele shaman was pretty good actually. I think enhance was better but ele still suffers from scaling. no surprise. Ele was one of the best dps classes to bring to challenge modes. Rsham was awful at healing in cmodes.

Its not vanilla we’re talking about little bro, you can’t p2w in cata obviously or even your guild would kill heroics

Yes you can. Just look at Drinknblink :skull:

You can’t, have you ever done heroics? Oh wait you’re 0/7 so you haven’t.

Your fixation on his guild raid which is obviously not a GDKP and a single log from months and months ago is really bizarre.


I live rent free.

He’s mad I’m beautiful.

He has to hide.

“I definitely don’t RMT in my 25M” :skull:

Yea no one ever messes up ever.

Your raid goes in and 1 shots every heroic boss np

Then to top it all off your linking a tier 11 log meanwhile your guild could only kill 7 out of 13 heroic bosses… Sounds like everybody was dying on those last six bosses

That’s a lot of mistakes every pull

Link your H Rag kill

How would he make fun of people on the forums if he posts on the forums on his main and we all see how trash he is?

He’s been hiding for years

I enjoyed WW post-5.1 so much in MoP. Not as much as WoD design (Yes WoD is awful but holy hell Tigereye Brew WW monk is SO fun in pvp)

Funny how mediocre they are on the sims in hindsight. Didn’t really matter back when I raided, still was my first expac of full Heroic raiding.

God now I’m remembering how fun Fire Mage Altar Time was in MoP too before it got ruined in WoD

(I’m staying on SoD! Back beast! No MoP for me)

Fire mage is :dog2: :poop: Until SoO.

Yep, it is in basically every early version of WoW. Scales so much with secondary stats