MoP DPS Tier List

As the title implies. I’m searching all over the web and the answers are vague. Which specs are the most powerful?



If you don’t play them right you’ll be bad with all of them


Won’t know til beta, but here’s a simcraft from back in the day. It’s solely patchwerk style, and doesn’t mean this will be how things play out.

As of Patch 5.4, Affliction locks ruled supreme. No other class touched them.

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Hard to say at this point. We still haven’t quite hit “modern” info sites for Classic expansions, and the classes have already surprised us like in Wrath. All that really can be said is Pandaria is arguably where things start to have at least some semblance of balance though, so for it more than ever you’re likely better off picking what’s fun and what you know how to play over whatever the top players are running


TOT and siege are on warcraftlogs. depends who benefits from last patch tuning but does not require last patch gear to perform well

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S - Survival, Subtlety, Shadow
A - Assassination, Arcane, Affliction, Arms
B - Brewmaster, Balance, Blood, Beast Mastery
C - Combat
D - Disc, Demo, Destro
F - Feral, Fire, Frost DK, Frost Mage, Fury


Damn my ele shaman is benched apparently.

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My brain enjoys how these are alphabetical and line up with their Tier letter. Thank you.


He forgot…

E: Elemental


Well now my vibe is ruined.

Also Enhancement too ;-;

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But which makes up for my badness the most? :thinking:

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None of them can cover up for that.

Atleast you have LFR.

The “bads” and I are happy and planning a party about it, we just need to figure out how the doorknob to get in works first. (this is a joke)

Yeah its what its there for.

It basically became the story mode later.

You have listed 1 healer and 2 tanks, what about the other 3 tank specs.

Which as I got older, was super nice to have.
Didn’t even really care that there was no tier in it for a bit.

Hopefully also increases peoples want to progress to harder stuff.

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Warlocks: The God Class

Then everyone else

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Burning embers, demonic fury, soul shards. Unique resource for each spec. Dark apotheosis. Green fire. Casting whole moving. Warlocks have it great.

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This is a really complicated topic, I’ve also heard that the final patch of pandaria totally destroyed dps balance and either broke the game or pretty close to that, was wondering if anyone here remembers that clearly.

If that is the case blizzard may want to revisit an earlier patch for overall class balance.